When I Make A Lot Of Noise, I Am Empty

When I make a lot of noise, I'm empty

Do you remember that person who stood out from the rest? The one who always seemed to want to get attention? Don’t doubt that it was special, it made a lot of noise, it’s true. What you didn’t know is that it was empty inside. Because when we ourselves make a lot of noise, there is actually a void, a big hole inside us.

Empty people are those who do not listen to others, as if all external messages were by system mere interference lacking information.  But, in addition, they surround themselves with many people, something that can show a deep-rooted taste for social exchange, when all they seek is to escape from loneliness.

Among so much noise our insecurity is revealed

girl behind a cat-shaped mask

When we make a lot of noise we believe that no one will be able to notice the insecurity that we carry inside. An insecurity that perhaps you deny yourself because you don’t want to see it, but that still exists within you.

Have you suffered from self-esteem problems? How have you coped? People with low self-esteem and a lot of insecurity sometimes make a lot of noise to try to camouflage the emptiness they carry inside, so that their attention is not mistakenly diverted inside.

It is true that making the decision to relativize reality is not always a bad idea, but once we have been aware of it, so that we are prepared to act in the face of changes that occur. This temporary and deceptive relief can give us a hand in a timely manner, but it will be a potential knife if we apply it systematically and continuously over time.

Have you caught yourself talking too much, interrupting, and wanting to be the center of attention? If so, why haven’t you looked inside yourself? It is scary to discover that you are not as strong as you want to appear to be, it is scary to discover that you are fragile, but you must. The image you show will never be real until you heal yourself inside.
Think that we have all felt empty at some point, we have all been fragile at some point. The important thing is not to try to fill that void with things that do not really fill us, but to accept it to start solving it from the moment we start to drown in it.


Believe it or not, being humble is much better than wanting to be someone they admire with a tinge of falsehood, of bitterness. Humility will never have a negative answer, but quite the opposite, since it starts from below looking straight ahead and without neglecting the possible dangers that appear.

There are people who are afraid of being humble because they think that that way they would go unnoticed. If your fear is this, something is wrong. You are probably unsure of who you are, have a self-esteem problem or have gone through some painful experience and this is your way of dealing with the pain you have suffered.

We confuse humility with simplicity, when it really is simplicity within greatness. In addition, within humility is the ability to listen, be mature and empathize with others. All of this means humility and, even if you don’t stand out like when you were making noise, at least you won’t be empty.

Begin to gradually introduce humility into your life. You will discover that you will begin to know how to listen to others, no longer only your word matters. Also, you will be able to learn from your mistakes, you will stop wanting to be the best and you will start to grow.

Find your true essence

If you have discovered that you are insecure, that your self-esteem is not as high as it should be, that you are afraid and that you try to make up for all these deficiencies by making a lot of noise, it is time for you to start looking inside yourself for your true essence.

Each one of us is unique and we must stop taking refuge in appearances that will not heal our insides. You will realize that making a lot of noise does not help you fill that emptiness that you feel, likewise the fact of being surrounded by many people does not help you.

boy with a parrot in his hand

Digging into your emptiness can be painful, but necessary. We cannot be completely happy if we do not solve the problems that we have within us. Only we can look into their eyes, it is time to uncover that place where we have been keeping everything that scared us, everything that has not left with time or will leave, although we falsely give it that nature out of fear to the anguish that considering it can cause.

When you are aware of all this and are willing to grow, you will understand that you no longer need to make noise because that does not solve your problem, it just masks it. Are you ready to repair that emptiness that you feel inside?

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