50 Tips To Be Braver
When you were a child, you would surely identify with some superhero or character who fought against enemies using a cape, a sword or a special power. Or maybe you believed that your father was the one who could save you from all dangers. They were brave people and you hoped one day to be like them. Therefore, today we will give you some tips to be more courageous.
But what happens when we grow up? Do we stop being so brave? Do we feel like one of the bunch and want to go unnoticed? Do we not do justice by our own hand, hoping that the laws will help us? Beyond all this, it is also true that today, it is very difficult to be brave. Shyness is the one that wins the battles and that takes away points in our self-esteem ranking.
Although, socially speaking, the brave are valued and the shy are urged to change their attitude, we do not do enough to face everything that happens to us. No need to fight a villain, a fire-breathing dragon or a meteor that is going to destroy the planet.
Taking care of what happens to us is enough (or at least to start). Bravery does not include just heroic acts, the kind that make the news when a man rescues a baby who falls into the river or a firefighter saves an old woman who fell asleep with the stove on.
How to develop courage day after day?
It is not necessary that from now on you get involved with a Marvel or Justice League character and start defeating the bad guys in your city. Every day you have the ability to “be a little braver.” If you go step by step, it will be much easier for you. Therefore, here are some tips to be more courageous that will surely help you.
Do you want to know how to do it? So, pay attention to the following guidelines. It is not necessary that you comply with an order, but when adding a new one to your habits, do not forget the remaining ones already learned and put into practice: Are you ready?
- Give yourself permission to feel.
- Put aside those who fail or disappoint you.
- Look in the mirror and highlight the positive.
- Say you love someone (if you really love them).
- Preach what you love or are passionate about.
- Write your own story, not someone else’s.
- Share your ideas, even if they are crazy.
- Make your opinions known even if they are different.
- For one day, go out on the street “with a clean face.”
- Allow yourself to be wrong.
- Trust your senses and instincts.
- Try to do something for the first time.
- Set boundaries with people, activities, or things.
- Start something that you always put off.
- Sing in the middle of the street (if you go out of tune, the better).
- Dance on the way to work.
- Play an instrument (even if you’ve never seen it in your life).
- Use a skateboard or some rollers to do the shopping.
- Tolerate discomfort or annoyance.
- Make a lot of mistakes.
- Say “I don’t know.”
- Ask for help when you can’t do something.
- Be vulnerable from time to time.
- Cope with problems.
- Let the past be trodden on.
- Take pictures of yourself.
- Trust a really crazy idea.
- Support a friend in distress.
- Say goodbye to an abusive relationship that is not good for you.
- Say goodbye to your fears.
- Count your nightmares.
- Speak out against prejudice.
- Don’t do things you don’t want to.
- Do not say what you do not feel or think.
- Dress without regard to fashion.
- Be the one who takes the first step, after a fight.
- Give a flower or candy to a stranger.
- You don’t want to have everything under control.
- Love your madness.
- Ask someone how they are and don’t interrupt.
- Don’t react badly when someone criticizes you.
- Hug someone you love.
- Praise yourself by saying nice things about yourself, your accomplishments, your looks.
- Don’t always be “full” or “too busy.”
- Be open to new things.
- Start over as many times as necessary.
- Seek feedback from everyone around you.
- Be like a kid and have fun.
- Talk to that person that you like and you don’t dare to ask out.
- Ask for a meeting with your boss and tell him what you think.
Being braver does not imply doing extraordinary things
Many times, we think that being braver means doing extraordinary things that will leave others speechless. However, behind are all those superhero movies that have nothing to do with real life. Courage is something else.
As you have been able to verify with the tips to be more courageous that we have given you before, the steps that can be taken to acquire more and more value, more and more courage are simple. Remember that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone, just yourself.