Smart People Have Fewer Friends
It is not considered smart to have few friends, but on the contrary, having no friends relegates you to the group of “weirdos”, those people who do not like to interact with others. But what is true in all this? Is it true that having fewer friends is strange? Some say it is synonymous with smart people.
A revolutionary statement that has made many people feel identified, while others have opened their eyes in amazement. A study has revealed that intelligent people have far fewer friends, perhaps because they act quite differently from what we are used to.
This statement has been welcomed by many with quite familiarity, a myth they had heard, but of which there has never been any apparent verification or study. Until this moment, in which the statistics that confirm that this legend was real have come to light.
Smart people and friends
Perhaps you understand by intelligent people those who when they studied got very good grades and always had a book in their hands. They preferred to spend their time in the library, advancing the exercises that the teacher had sent them. Socializing was not a situation that they needed, indeed, they were happy in their solitude.
The study that was carried out by the London School of Economics and Singapore Management University revealed that people with higher IQs did not need to interact as much as other people to feel good.
In contrast, people with a much lower IQ did reveal that tendency to socialize, to spend more time meeting people. This showed that intelligent people go against the tide of the rest of the population. They do not do what is considered “normal.” They are happy without such an active social life.
15,000 people between the ages of 18 and 28 participated in the research. A fairly young age range where the need for interaction and meeting other people is greater. Despite this, smart people were not so happy when they socialized with others. That pleasant feeling of being with other people and meeting new ones they did not perceive the same, which was very significant.
Smart people count on the fingers of one hand to their friends, and if they fail them, they have no problem moving on. They are prepared to face life without the need for any support. In contrast to many people, they do not leave their happiness in the hands of others.
In this way they are much more independent and enjoy their solitude, something that for many is unthinkable. Regarding this, the research took into account the savanna theory, a theory that focuses on the evolution of our brain from the beginning to the present day.
When Homo Sapiens was taking its first steps in this world, it did not separate from the rest, but lived with the rest in large open spaces. They were very few people and to protect themselves and survive they formed what today we call “a pineapple”.
Intelligent people feel like they are in such large and lonely places, with few people around them. That is why they are prepared to face challenges on their own, without help, without support from strangers. They are sure of themselves and perhaps having other people they do not know could slow down their goals.
The smartest people who have brought great inventions to the world have not exactly been characterized by their sociability. Perhaps their projects and goals made them much happier than interacting with others. The same Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics launched another bomb claim: the most intelligent women either did not have children or had them late.
It makes sense if we take a look at the world. People with more studies, who have completed a career or some other type of training, do not have children until they are 30 years old. On the other hand, many who left their studies at the ESO and Baccalaureate levels already have a family with one or more children.
It seems that being more or less intelligent has a lot to do with our dependency and the direction our life will take. According to the study presented, a greater or lesser intelligence will lead us down one path or another.