Do You Know Why The Brain Prefers Paper Books?

Paper books remain the most popular among all generations. Discover all the details!
Do you know why the brain prefers paper books?

With the advent of digital screens, a large part of the population dared to affirm that the useful life of the paper would be at risk. However, that reality has been far from being fulfilled and today people still prefer physical books.

Paper books allow the brain to better capture information. This, since by being able to feel it, underline and read it carefully, it is possible to build mental schemes that help to understand the most important information in history.

In addition to this, in the paper books the total number of sheets can be clearly visualized. That way, people can detect the journey they have taken and find extra motivation to discover the remaining information.

Also, a paper book allows one to perceive smells, textures, shapes and colors. Thus, readers can build a real image of each scenario in the story and discover sensations that help them remember some key aspects.

Person reading a book.

On the other hand, another advantage that physical books have over digital ones is that they can be enjoyed for long hours. This, since they do not have a built-in battery that constantly threatens to turn off and interrupt the reading.

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The disadvantages that paper books save

Experts have stated that paper books are an essential tool for children. This, since during the training process they learned to follow the stroke of the letters to be able to decode each of the words.

One of the problems with a digital book is that it is usually customary on screens to have many windows open. In this way, the person can easily lose concentration and lose the course of reading.

Digital book.

Also, screens emit intense light that hits the reader’s eyes directly. As a result, people can get tired and lose the ability to understand the information that is recorded in the book.

This was reflected in a study carried out at the University of Karlstad, where it was found that students who read digitally had lower grades. The explanation is that the fatigue in the eyes led them to make a more immediate and less conscious reading.

In addition, another analysis carried out in New York found that the didactic resources of digital books did not enrich children’s reading, but rather distracting them. This, since throughout his life his brain has strengthened other different stimuli to encourage understanding.

Woman reading.

In this way, it is shown that most generations prefer paper books because it is the technique they have used to strengthen brain connections. However, it is not ruled out that future offspring learn to read using digital tools and adapt without problems.

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The advantages of reading

Reading is an exercise that has multiple benefits for the human being. First, it acts as a de-stressor because it allows you to enter a new world and put aside the worries of everyday life.

Second, it enriches people’s intelligence because it allows them to learn about different kinds of topics. In addition, it helps to expand the lexicon and clarify a large number of spelling aspects.

Enjoying reading.

Finally, it is an activity that strengthens memory because the intention is to remember as much information as possible. In this way, it activates the brain and reduces the risk of suffering from neurological diseases.

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