Depression And Silenced Suffering

Depression and silenced suffering


People who have suffered depression or who are currently on the way to overcome it, will no doubt know what we mean by the term, “silenced suffering. To understand it better we will put a simple example. Someone asks us the reason for our absence from work, or perhaps, they are curious to know how it is that now we seem a little more downcast, thinner, more apathetic …

When we pronounce the word “depression” many do not know how to react, here it is not worth a “it will pass”, or a “you will see how those pills will do you well”. The process is more complex, deeper, more meticulous. Sometimes it is easier to say that we have the flu, something without a doubt much easier to assume and understand, but nevertheless, a depression, no.

As it is not easy, share it with your children, or with your partner. Hence, at times, we end up silencing the pain to swallow it a little more inward since the world still does not understand or accept this type of process. Some say that depression is a modern form of “leprosy”, it may seem somewhat exaggerated, but given that it is silenced in many of our areas (including the family) we will begin to believe that perhaps it is so .

Depression, that modern evil


It is curious how human beings can destroy themselves without even pressing any button. They often say that depression is the modern evil par excellence. That people today are unable to properly manage our emotions, our stress, our failures, sadness or losses.

Despite the millions of self-help books published each year, none of this seems to adequately answer all of our needs. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industries are getting richer due to the increase in antidepressants or anxiolytics, which are increasingly being prescribed in primary care or psychiatric clinics. It is a kind of karmic circle where one thing leads to another and where there seems to be no way out.

And indeed, depression is that modern evil so well known, but at the same time, so little respected. And sometimes, even silenced. It is not easy to assume in the family unit, nor in our work centers. For how long do we have to take the leave? Can we maybe calculate how long it will take us to overcome depression ?

Sometimes the easiest thing to do is silence suffering  and force ourselves to lead a “normal” life . Do not leave work, say at home that we are fine, that things are better, and take the medication with which to make the problem lighter and trick our brain if possible.


Depression is not a crime, it must not be hidden


It is not about expressing our anger or grief to everyone in front of us. It is only about not hiding suffering as if it were a crime, something to be ashamed of in front of others. A depression does not heal from one day to the next, nor are there infallible strategies that serve us all equally.

Each person is a unique and particular universe, no depression is similar to another and it must always be us, who with sufficient will, manage to get out of it. However, sometimes drug treatment is necessary, also therapeutic, and also essential, social support. And it is there, where sometimes we find the “big” problem.

Silenced suffering will be the worst enemy in these cases. It must not be avoided, there is no escape from it and even less bury it as if it did not exist. Suffering exists as there is that wound when we hit ourselves, it is a reflection that we are hurt and as such, we must heal ourselves. Now in what way?

There is no magic answer, there is no effective treatment for everyone. You must be your own teacher on that path of recovery, there where to see, where to recognize, where to accept yourself for who you are and how you are. But yes, with suffering included, because life is not always perfect.

Depression, like many other illnesses, is faced with heart, head, strength… and with social support. Without silencing her.

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