At Least, Don’t Give Up Before Trying

At least don't give up before trying


“The reasonable man adapts to the world. The unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” ~ George Bernhard Shaw


If you want you can. It’s easy to say, but it’s not always easy to do. They will say a lot: I can’t, as much as I want to. They may not love it enough. And it is that sometimes the circumstances are very complicated, and we have to face situations that are beyond our control. Or maybe we are simply not very clear about what we want or we are confusing the terms.

In any case, it is very important to bear in mind that wanting something requires motivation, determination and perseverance, three qualities that have to spring from ourselves, that we are the ones who have to manage. When situations go wrong when we can best demonstrate these qualities, when we can put them into practice. Blaming others or circumstances is useless, because that is not going to give us back what we had or place us where we want to be. Instead of lamenting, using those energies to fight is more effective.

How to increase determination and maximize motivation

There are situations that may require great determination to move forward and move our people forward. Facing an illness, getting over a divorce, succeeding in a business or entrepreneurship, progressing in studies, getting in shape or changing your life, among many other things, are situations that may need an extra dose of motivation to get ahead.

Let’s look at some ideas to be more persistent and get going when the going gets tough.

# 1 – look to others for inspiration

There are hundreds of true stories of extraordinary people to draw inspiration from. And if you look back in history you can discover that our ancestors overcame very tough situations and achieved incredible things.

In any case, the stories of overcoming are full of dramas that will often make you see your problem in another way. But it is not about thinking that others in worse situations have come out ahead so that you see that yours, in comparison, is nonsense. Well no, because each one hurts his own. The important thing is overcoming obstacles. In these stories of overcoming you can clearly see that there are no limits other than the ones you set yourself. The essence is to overcome your own limitations and not confuse them with limits.

# 2.- Don’t think, act

We can think of ourselves outside of problems, around different situations, in solutions, but also in the worst that can happen to us, in the most negative. “I can’t go on” is a thought that can be self-delusional. If you have to continue, you must ignore these types of thoughts, not think about it so much and move on. Stop thinking about limits and just keep going. Do it without thinking about what would have been or what could be.

#3. – Strengthen your will by working on it

Willpower, like a muscle, gets stronger the more you use it. The more you exercise your will and determination, the easier it will be to use, and it will be something much more natural. Thus, laziness will not overcome you so easily, and the physical and mental effort that you need will not scare you, because you know you can do it.

# 4.- Think about what you really want

How do you want your life to be? Are you happy living the way you are living now? Does your happiness depend on the things that happen around you dance to the rhythm that you set or do you do your best to adapt to what you have to live? Determination demands action on your life, I do not want the things that depend on others to be otherwise. Don’t put your efforts into getting others to do or achieve what you want. Whatever you want from life, you must get it. Therefore, be clear about what you want before getting mad at what you don’t have.

#5. – Imagine a power center within you

Sometimes life requires you to be irrepressible, unassailable, determined, and very focused. Imagine that within you there is a power center, a great ball of fire, or whatever else you can visualize. Imagine that that power center is activated and pushes you, moves you, throws you. Close your eyes and feel it.

# 6.- Never give up

Life is like a race. You run with your teammates, or at least surrounded by people, but you have to reach the goal alone. No matter what it takes, if you don’t arrive you are lost. You will find obstacles on the ground, in your fellow racers, in time … but you have to get there, even if it is by dragging. If you listen carefully, many people around you will cheer you up. No one? Search within, and encourage yourself, listen to that voice that encourages you to take another step, and another, and another. Don’t think about the difficulties, just move on. Do not give up. Because if you do, you stay out. 

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