7 Strategies To Harness The Power Of Your Mind

If you know how to harness the power of your mind, you will be the owner of your beliefs, actions and emotions and you will direct your energy towards your own goals.
7 strategies to harness the power of your mind

As we all already know, the mind is wonderful. The influence of our beliefs is almost unlimited, they shape our reality and therefore, our attitude and our emotional states. The psyche can be our greatest enemy or the perfect ally: we just have to learn to use it to our advantage. For this reason, in this article we present seven simple strategies to harness the power of your mind.

Often we are not aware of the ability we have to direct our own life only by learning to master our mental states. When you feel that circumstances overwhelm you, your mind can be the beacon that brings you back to earth or the five-meter wave that ends up sinking you. And only you have the power to decide which situation you choose. So start making smart use of your power.

1. Exercise your mind

Just as you mobilize your physical resources to keep your body in shape, you have to mobilize your mental resources to favor your mental state. Try to feed your mind daily with information that is interesting to you and awakens your critical thinking. Exercise your cognitive resources by facing challenges that motivate you or, simply, try to get out of the routine.

An exercise as simple as changing the route you take to get to work helps your mind to wake up and get going. Likewise, trying to use your left hand more (right in case you are left-handed) is an incentive for a mind used to always doing the same thing.

2. Be flexible

There are some people who are more cognitively rigid than others, yet we can all make an effort to be flexible. In any situation, try to avoid dichotomies and sharp judgments and observe all points of view. Get used to broadening your vision, questioning your own approaches and getting closer to those of others.

Examining other perspectives is always enriching. But, in addition, it predisposes our mind to find new outlets and ways of doing things. A flexible mind always finds the opportunity instead of the problem.

Man with thumb raised

3. Be your own emotional center

One of the biggest thieves of mental energy is depending on the opinions of others. Trying to please everyone is unrealistic and totally unnecessary. Understand that you should only please yourself and that only you have to be the owner of your emotional states. When your happiness or sadness depends on the actions or comments of other people, you lose all control.

4. Avoid complaints to harness the power of your mind

Without hardly being aware, we spend a large part of our day complaining about various issues. The weather, the economy, the behavior of others, how tired we are … This seemingly harmless behavior has a great impact on the state of our mind. It conditions us to have a negative and defeatist attitude because we are continually reminding ourselves of what is not working in our life.

5. Be grateful

Together with the previous point, the power of replacing the complaint with gratitude is shocking. Getting used to giving thanks helps us to be aware of the blessings that are already present in our lives. And it puts us in a position to receive more of the same. A grateful mind is a positive mind, capable of enjoying what it has and pursuing what it wants. Capable, in short, of detecting and taking advantage of opportunities to feel even better.

Happy woman with open arms

6. Be resilient

Resilience is the ability to emerge stronger from adverse situations. And it is one of the most valuable skills that a human being can develop, since it helps him to focus on teaching and not on pain. Any negative situation provides us with learning and helps us to grow personally. Instead of getting stuck in pain, try to draw a valuable lesson and move on stronger and wiser than before.

7. Set goals and direct the power of your mind towards them

Nothing sharpens the mind more than having a goal. Reflect on what you want to achieve and make a plan with small short-term goals. Harboring a purpose will kick-start all your cognitive resources and help you improve your self-esteem and self-efficacy. Knowing where you want to go will make it easier for you to focus your energy in that direction.

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