Phrases To Tell Your Children

Phrases that you should tell your children

Words have enormous value in the human mind. All thoughts and feelings take shape through words. And, at the same time, it is the words that give rise to everything that happens in our emotional world.

With children, this power is even greater, since it is you who is in charge of their well-being and through loving messages you can teach them to love themselves more and feel better about themselves.

Likewise, motivating them when you talk to them allows them to increase their self-esteem and confidence, since parental support for them is essential for their development and growth. It is necessary that you express your feelings to them at all times, not only to congratulate them but also to correct them, but always in a respectful and friendly way.

By speaking to them with affection and love, you will not only strengthen family ties, but you will raise the quality of the parent-child relationship, since you will be assuming the role of counselor and guide, while they will be attending to everything you say and will be forming as people. Thus, you will educate them by example.

What can you say to your children?



I love you, I love you, you make me very happy


Telling your children directly that you love them is the best emotional food you can give them. It is not enough that you really love them, it is important that you say it, that you make it part of your everyday language. This will make them more secure and will strengthen communication ties with them.

It is also very important that you talk to them about how happy they make you. This gives them a sense of meaning in their life and leads them to feel protected and appreciated.

No matter how difficult it is, no matter how little time you have, it is always important to find a time for those moments to express affection. For sure, they will also benefit you a lot.

I believe in you, I trust you, you are able to achieve it


You can give your child great confidence if you tell him that he is capable of achieving what he sets out to do. Thus, you are contributing to their development as a human being. Not encouraging them in this way implies opening a crack through which unfounded fears can leak that will affect the rest of their lives in a negative way.

It is necessary to support them as parents and as a family in their achievements, and encourage their security when acting, since this will allow them to do so with security and confidence when making a decision in their life. One way or another, they will always choose a good alternative, if they believe in their decisions.

On the other hand, you must bear in mind that for children, motivation is very important at times when they may falter with their projects or feel frustrated by having some difficulties on their way. This is where you as a father come to their rescue, because your support can make them resume the course of things and try again to continue with their projects.

Tell him that he is very special and congratulate him when he does something well


These attitudes must be frequent with children. Telling them that they have done something well helps them learn to recognize themselves and increase their confidence every time they do the same activity again.

When we show them that they have made a good decision or have known how to respond to an event in a favorable way, we encourage in them different capacities that make them unique and independent.

When you emphasize to your children how special they are, they will thank you forever and continue to act correctly in different life circumstances. They will become persistent and enthusiastic adults in achieving their goals.

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