Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins

Your freedom ends where mine begins

Freedom is the most precious treasure that human beings have. Ours is the responsibility to respect it, enjoy it and prevent anyone from stealing it. We all have the right to keep it and keep it cared for. Therefore, whenever we can, we should keep in mind the phrase: your freedom ends where mine begins.

So how can you even dare to think that you have the right to steal even the smallest ounce of freedom from your fellow man? If you enjoy your own, it can never be at the expense of your neighbor’s. Think hard about it because every time you appropriate something that is not yours, your dignity looks a little more resentful.

Hands with birds flying

The gift of freedom

The gift of freedom is a wonderful good with which all human beings on this planet are born. However, the misuse that too many people make of freedom causes us to have to use laws to protect it.  Despite the fact that on many occasions it ends up being sullied by the same people who have sworn to defend it.

The gift of freedom should never be confused with mere debauchery. A person who considers himself “free” has no right to trample another in the name of that “freedom”. Therefore, the gift of freedom, granted at birth to each and every one of the beings born on this planet, should not be understood in a trivial way.

Respect is something that must be constantly above everything so that we can all live together being able to say that we are free. In other words, freedom should not be understood as a lack of respect for others.

“I hurt you because I am free and I do what I want.” How many times have you heard that phrase? Millions of people have wielded it to do whatever they want, without knowing that in reality, it is not the use of their freedom that they are using, but the theft of the freedom of the person they are harming. Your freedom ends the moment it is used for these purposes.

Freedom of thought

In reality, we live in a world of laws that leaves little room for man’s true freedom. We must be respectful of others, and in order to protect the weak from those who try to trample rights, measures must be established to prevent these acts.

However, freedom is not only in the movement from here to there. There is much more that is very deep in our soul and heart. You simply have to know how to search within yourself to find it.

Luckily, many of us have the freedom to think, love, dream, feel, create … Despite living in a society in which you can often feel misunderstood, there is much we can do within our own world .

Woman watching the sun go down

Only when we focus on ourselves and do true exercises in self-knowledge can we discover true freedom and all its meanings. In you, in your truth, in your way of being real, in your sincerity with yourself is where you are free in the strictest sense of the word.

False uses of the word freedom

Today the word freedom is used in a very arbitrary way : “Freedom to decide”, “freedom to act”, “fight for freedoms”, and so on. In reality, in the independence of a territory, the use of the vote or the election of a political ruler, there is no true use of freedom, since many of the issues are flawed and decided in advance.

In truth, they are usually exercises in which they are violating your true freedom, since they are giving you to choose different ways of being, thinking or belonging, but not yours.

In our sincerity and courage to be how we really feel there is a major exercise of freedom. And it does not matter what country you are from or what your identity card says, because those are legal needs that should not restrict your true way of being. Those are restrictions.

So, always remember that your freedom ends where mine begins. You can be yourself and enjoy your life. But you can never tell me how I should be, where I have to belong or what I need to think.

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