You Deserve Someone Who Really Loves You

Sometimes, without stopping to analyze our worth and what we deserve, we surrender to love, unaware that we are equally deserving of true love; of someone who really loves us.
You deserve someone who really loves you

Sometimes we indulge in loving another person without first stopping to get to know ourselves, to value ourselves , and to learn to love ourselves. The point is that when this self-esteem is lacking and we are strangers to ourselves, the relationships we establish with others are not totally authentic and, sometimes, we establish links that do not benefit us.

For this reason, self-knowledge is essential. It helps us to savor well-being and, in addition, it is the support of healthy relationships because it allows us to decide on what makes us good, interests us and enriches us, as well as detect in which situations or with which people we should be more careful.

Thus, a fundamental rule to be happy with others is first to be with yourself. Therefore, something that you cannot forget is that even if you deserve someone who really loves you, that love, you first have to experience it for yourself.

On the other hand, to venture down the path of love and enjoy it fully and reciprocated, you can start your journey by finding out who you are to learn to love and respect yourself. And then, reflect on what you really want in a relationship, without forgetting something very important: being willing to give the same love and respect that you want to receive from the other.

Couple in love looking at each other

You deserve someone who really loves you

In the previous poem, entitled You deserve someone who really loves you, some touches are drawn of what, ideally, people deserve in a relationship.

Although it should not be forgotten that each person is different and, therefore, each one needs to be treated in a somewhat particular and different way to achieve happiness in the couple. It is, therefore, very important to learn to love the other person as they need to be loved and, at the same time, teach them to love you as you need them. And for this, acceptance is a good ally.

Of course, regardless of each other, something that practically all of us need and want is to feel that the other gives us affection, respects us and experiences love for us. Tangible love, the kind that is demonstrated by actions and not the kind that gets lost in empty words. Hence, actions and small details are good nutrients for the growth of the relationship.

Couple under a light

The right person: someone who really loves you

Now, how do you know who the right person is? It is not easy to answer this question. Life is full of ups and downs, disappointments, moments of joy, but also of suffering. In fact, throughout our lives, we meet many people … but which is that that corresponds to us?

In general, the right person, that being capable and willing to offer you the love you deserve and want, can find you when you are ready to give and receive that love. Although it is true that there are cases in which one person teaches another to discover and love themselves.

Although the important thing beyond love is to be willing to walk in the same direction: the construction of the relationship, the care of the garden that is born from love. A path that is made not with the feet, but with the heart, together with daily effort and care. 

Because the right person will try to challenge you every day to be a better person, to face your fears and to take risks. He will accept you as you are, both in your lights and in your shadows. He will support you, take care of you and best of all, he will grow with you, although at his own pace.

In addition, that love that you deserve, that love that is kind and makes you grow and evolve as a person, can have a positive effect on others. In some way, you can serve as an example to help them believe in true love. And this is a wonderful thing.

Therefore, discover yourself, love yourself and then do the same with the other. Because there is nothing more beautiful than cultivating respectful bonds full of affection that encourage us to be better because the support that maintains them is love.

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