Who Doesn’t Value You Today, Misses You Tomorrow

Who today does not value you, tomorrow misses you

Sometimes people flee without further explanation, leaving us devastated by a cruel and unexpected absence that turns our lives upside down.

When this happens, we cannot imagine anything worse, more base and more selfish than the offense that has just been carried out on us. Then, after containing our anger and rage, we begin to think that we do not deserve it and that it is unfair.

At the same time, a cloud full of sadness and reproach hangs over us, generating a darkness with which we sense that we will have to live a good season.

In that darkness we will know disappointment, disenchantment, deception, and unbelief.   However, when we fall into that abyss, it means that freedom is near because if someone has left us that way, they do not deserve our company.




A disappointment is better than living in a lie


When someone just leaves, there is something within oneself that breaks. It is likely that we do not know what it is that has broken but, nevertheless, it hurts us a lot.

However, disappointments are less painful if we can safeguard our integrity. For this reason, although replacing love for others with self-love is a tough process, the truth is that we will be changing an insufferable tyrant for a good friend.

Likewise, when a person leaves us unjustly, when they leave us without explanation or mediation, we can be sure that tomorrow he will be sorry for having lost us.



As they say, if nothing does not drown, and if someone has drowned it is because they did not want to swim, because they were not up to us or because their degree of emotional maturity prevented them from seeing that there are millions of better ways to say goodbye or to fix things. Ultimately, fleeing vilely is not the brave solution, but the cowardly, the bitter, the ungrateful.


What to do when someone disappears from our life?

When someone leaves us in this way, we start an internal fight in which we debate between  “waiting for him to come back with his tail between his legs” or “restarting our life and relearning to live with ourselves . The latter entails endless difficulties that we have to overcome, since we do not know how to do it.




It is likely that, in these cases, we have a lot to say. The pain, the reproaches and all our emotions cannot remain within ourselves, we must get them out in some way, even if it is imagining that we have that person in front of us, even if it is ripping papers or hitting cushions.

One of the best options is to write a letter to the person who hurt you in which you explain how they made you feel before and after they left. After doing this, it is best to get rid of it, because doing so will be the best way of liberation.


What is the last step to release the pain?

After writing our letter and releasing our feelings and emotions, it is his turn to forgive. Giving wings to our suffering will be the only way not to make our body the grave of our soul.

Because behind our courage, our rage and our anger at the escape of someone unscrupulous, hides a great sadness, an infinite humiliation and the most painful disappointment. For this reason, freeing ourselves from these feelings will mean for us to stop walking along the edge of an active volcano.

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