What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

What would you do if you werent afraid?

Fear is a defense mechanism installed in our brain : it acts as an alarm. When we perceive some stimulus that we have classified as dangerous, the signal is activated and fear floods us.

Survival is the most important thing, although sometimes we think that other things are, but the rest of the priorities stop making sense if we can’t stay alive. For this reason, we have a control center in the brain – the amygdala – where, among other things, the response to dangerous stimuli is located.

Two types of fear

Basically, we have to distinguish two basic forms of fear:

  • Rational : it is innate and develops at an early age; It prevents us from carrying out acts that are clearly life threatening.
  • Irrational: responds to an imaginary threat; Depending on its intensity, it can degenerate into tension, fear, anxiety, phobias …
Scared man

What causes fear?

Fear triggers a series of reactions: the amount of adrenaline and glucose increases, the blood pressure rises, the cardiac response accelerates and there is an extra blood transmission to the muscles, preparing us for flight or defense, among other consequences.

All this makes us pale from the decrease in blood on our face. In addition, brain activity increases, the senses are sharpened, preparing us for an effective and fast reaction.

One of the problems is that we have some stimuli classified as dangerous, when they are no longer dangerous, and we generate an excessive intensity of response to them. When we lived in caves, snakes, spiders … were major dangers and needed fast and intense action.

Conditions have changed and the facts show us that we have not changed the orders in the face of these stimuli, that they no longer have the same danger. If we add that fear is nourished not only by what we see, but also by what we imagine, we have the optimal breeding ground to make fear grow beyond what is necessary, causing us physical, social and psychological problems, which can lead to appearance of phobias.

What to do in the face of fear?

Child with fear

Almost all of us are exposed at some time in life to feel these irrational fears, so I will give you some recommendations to face these situations, if they arise:

  • Analyze what is happening,  force the use of reason, which is the only one that can control the amygdala. Treat the matter as if it happened to someone else, look at it from the outside and give yourself advice as if it were not you who suffers that fear.
  • Remember that fear is natural, accept it and do not doubt that you will find a way to solve this situation. Ask for help if you need it, if you just can’t, because there are ways to solve your problem.
  • As it is more terrible to think about what will happen to us than to go through the experience, since the worst is the fear of anticipation, do not hesitate and face your fears. The best way to make a fear disappear is to face it; in this way we will reduce its intensity, make it meaningless.
  • Find a way to ridicule what terrifies you. For example, if you fear spiders, imagine them dressed in lace and bows …

Finally, I propose that you answer this question: What would you do if you weren’t afraid? With the answer you will have what you want to do and, the best thing would be for you to do it.

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