What Is The Relationship Between Self-love And Procrastination?

Procrastinators are often labeled lazy and irresponsible; however, it is often their low self-esteem that prevents them from acting when they should.
What is the relationship between self-love and procrastination?

Do you have a tendency to leave your tasks and responsibilities to the last minute? Do you keep your mind full of unfinished business that you can’t decide to tackle? If this is your case, it is very likely that on more than one occasion you have been judged and labeled as lazy, lazy or disorganized, both by other people and by yourself. However, the key to this situation is often found in the relationship between self-love and procrastination.

Seen from a superficial perspective, procrastination seems the product of lack of responsibility or immaturity. If you do not meet your obligations on time, if you do not fulfill what you propose, it is because you do not take it seriously or you do not know how to organize yourself, right? Maybe not, in many cases it really is something more profound and complex, associated with self-esteem.

Woman thinking

What is procrastination?

This term refers to the tendency to put off or put off important tasks. Thus, the person spends his time in other more pleasant, but irrelevant activities, lengthening as much as possible the moment to face his obligations.

For example, we procrastinate when we choose to continue watching television rather than studying for the upcoming test. We procrastinate when we lose time on social media instead of working on that personal project that we started and left abandoned. Or, when we affirm that we will start the diet next Monday, without that ever happening.

In short, we know that we have certain urgent obligations and tasks, but we choose to let time pass and entertain ourselves with any other activity.

The relationship between self-love and procrastination

We have all procrastinated at some point and in some area of ​​our life; however, certain people are more likely to adopt this habit. Thus, despite the fact that procrastinators are often branded as carefree, irresponsible and lacking of will, the reality is that this tendency is often related to a lack of self-esteem. 

Feeling of helplessness

We often postpone these obligations because we do not feel capable of carrying them out. We find them imposing and intimidating, we find them complicated, and we lack the self-confidence to tackle them. Thus, we choose to postpone the moment to face them, thinking that in the future we will be more prepared.

For example, I postpone my language immersion abroad until I have a higher level of English, I postpone requesting or requesting an improvement in working conditions until the economic situation of the company is better.

Fear of error

In relation to the above, procrastination often arises because we are excessively perfectionists and we are terrified of failing. People who are overly self-demanding set almost unattainable standards for themselves; thus, the pressure of meeting obligations makes them postpone them as long as possible.


Undoubtedly, the relationship between self-esteem and procrastination can be seen in the consequences that derive from procrastination. That is, even if the person is postponing his obligations and dedicating himself to more pleasant or fun tasks, he cannot enjoy himself, since he keeps in mind all those pending matters that sooner or later must be done. In this way it is not allowed to really enjoy free time.

In addition, she generates pressure, stress and anxiety for herself from having to meet her deferred obligations at the last minute. This leads him to criticize, judge and punish himself psychologically for not having started earlier. What’s more, it prevents you from achieving the success that you could hope for from getting your tasks done on time. In short, self-sabotage permeates every step of the process.

Man thinking about the relationship between self-love and procrastination

Work on the relationship between self-love and procrastination

So, if you have detected that you have a tendency to procrastinate, check how your self-esteem is. Do you trust yourself and your abilities? Do you allow yourself to fail and accept it without punishing yourself? Are you aware of the mental tension that you generate when postponing your duties?

On the basis of solid self-esteem, it  will be easier to attend to your tasks because you will stop seeing them as an obligation and you will begin to perceive them as an investment in yourself. You will understand that working ahead frees your mind of worries, allows you to be more efficient and successful as well as really enjoy your free time.

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