What Is A Coach? Differences With A Psychologist

What is a coach?  Differences with a psychologist

The word coach means “coach.” And it refers to a person who has been trained to motivate, to teach techniques that help to achieve the goals that they want to achieve. If we look at soccer coaches, we will see how their true mission is not to win, but to help players to increase their skills. That is, according to studies, true coaching.

Development and help

However, these concepts tend to be confused. Thus, it is necessary then to differentiate what is a coach and what is a psychologist. Let’s put a brief. example. A coach can make a person who knows how to play soccer shine, that is, he can help him develop the skills he already has. But, can this coach do something for a footballer who does not play football well?

The same could be extrapolated to practically any other problem. If a person has the tools to achieve a goal, a coach can help him to improve, to use his potential in an effective way. Even showing you the way you can use them more efficiently. However, if someone does not have the tools beforehand or does not believe in them, a coach will not be as useful as a psychologist, who has a deeper understanding of the mind.

The objective of this reflection is not to detract from coaching, much less. In fact, professional coaches have a real gift for helping and training people. Each person has to find what suits him best and suits his situation, depending in each case on the difficulty he has to face at all times.


Man ascending with the help of a coach

The importance of knowing what a coach is

Being clear that he is a coach will help you differentiate the professionals. A coach is a good option when you feel good, but you are stuck and do not know how to achieve your goals and what tools to use to achieve them.

It will be a relationship of equal to equal, in which you are clear about what is happening to you, the goal you want to achieve. You need to be guided, accompanied and motivated, but do not expect it to answer your existential doubts or resolve emotional conflicts. It focuses on the present and how to use your tools in the most efficient and effective way.

The difference with a psychologist


Consultation of a psychologist

A psychologist would be your choice when you are not feeling well, your emotions are with you and your health is affected in some way. It will search your mind to improve you and make you know yourself better.

It will be a relationship of authority. A relationship in which you are not only looking for someone to train you to improve, but who will also help you get to know yourself better and solve your problems.

It is difficult to explain the task of a psychologist, because there are so many currents that the specific problem would have to be analyzed. There are those that focus more on the past, others on the present, or both. There are also those who, in addition to being psychologists, have been trained as a coach.

Some erroneous beliefs about the work of coaching and that of the psychologist

It is important that when choosing which professional to assist with, we take into account the myths that are usually handled in the promotion of these services. Here are the most common ones.

Therapy focuses on what is wrong, while the coach focuses on what can be improved and developed.

Psychological therapy does not focus on what is “wrong. The psychologist deeply addresses the belief system and personality structure. Thus, he understands the origin of the reason for the consultation and works to promote a healthier and more adaptive functioning.

Coaching focuses on what you want and is possible for you, it does not focus on what happened to you.

This is not entirely true, there are psychological therapies (such as Gestalt) that focus on the here and now of the individual. On the other hand, it is important to be aware to what extent our past does not allow us to advance in what we want. In these cases, working in the past is an important step to reposition yourself in the present.

A psychoanalytic therapy can take years, Coaching can last only a few sessions.

Within psychology there are various approaches. Depending on each one, the therapy will have one duration or another. It is a mistake to generalize that any therapy involves “years.” Well, that will depend on the objectives set and the pace set by the person within the process. But what, if it is true, is that in therapy there are no miracle solutions.

Aspects to be taken into account

In recent years, the number of people dedicated to offering coaching services has increased significantly. If you opt for a coach, make sure they have the necessary training to exercise.  There are many who disguise themselves as a coach, when in fact they have very little training. They see an open door to increase their profits and they use it, offering a poor quality service.

On the other hand, if you decide on a psychologist, make sure that he has a collegiate number. You should also take into account their experience and that, in addition to the degree, they have participated in courses or masters. Do not forget that a career in psychology is very global. After university studies it is necessary to continue with the training to specialize in something more specific.

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