What Impact Does Music Have On Your Brain?

What impact does music have on your brain?

Music surrounds us and floods us, makes us excited, makes us travel back in time, gives us strength or fills us in moments of peace. Music is everywhere, in every sound, in every rhythm and in every voice. But what really happens to our brain when we listen to a melody? For example, with music we can activate the two hemispheres of the brain and create more connections between them.

The human brain consists, as we have explained before, of two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is in charge of the most logical part, reasoning, numbers, language, etc. On the other hand, the left hemisphere manages the most intuitive, imaginative and creative functions.

Since we are born there are already sounds that help the development of our brain. The baby can even recognize its mother’s voice before any other sound. He thinks that hearing is one of the first senses that develops in newborns. 

What happens when we listen to music? The right part of our brain will make us imagine and let our emotions fly and the left part will be activated by analyzing the works and emphasizing the more rational part, such as the meaning of the letter, musical figures, rhythms …

Benefits of learning music

The plasticity of the brain in childhood is enormous and with music it is possible to activate both parts of the brain and the hemispheres create more connections. Something that adults can also work on. In this sense, although the changes occur in a less pronounced and slower way (our neuronal plasticity is lower), we will also be able to enrich the architecture of our brain.

Boy with asperger's listening to music with his headphones

Some of the benefits that we can obtain from musical learning related to the left hemisphere of our brain:

  • Improve memory
  • Fine or gross motor skills depending on the type of instrument we play.
  • Rhythm.
  • Body coordination.

If, on the other hand, we look at the right side, some of the improvements that we can be:

  • Develop the imagination.
  • The creativity.
  • Harmony.

If we focus on the plane of emotions we can also change them depending on which part of the brain is activated. And how can we help ourselves with music then on the social level? If we manage to activate emotions that unite or promote empathy to get closer to others, we will get our brain to create new connections and new routes, activating new emotions with melodies.

Music and emotions

“A song is heard, which makes one sigh, and speaks to the heart of a sensation, great as the sea. Something between the two changes unintentionally, an illusion is born, they tremble with emotion… ”(Excerpt from the song from the movie“ Beauty and the Beast ”). It is extraordinary that all these emotions described here can be activated with just one sense, the ear.

We can listen to music and relax, just like we hear a melody that can activate us or put us in a good mood or make us recharge our batteries. How can we make the most of the possibilities that music gives us?

Each music has the ability to activate an emotion. Music therapy is an example of everything we have discussed. It is about using music and all its elements for your own benefit; taking into account that each one of us would have to choose our own.

Young girl listening to music

Music therapy allows us to unfold in a new context, get to know ourselves through music and explore emotions that sometimes accompany us as a background melody, without drawing the attention of our consciousness.

Think that we can communicate in a different way (with or without language), improve relationships, movement, organization, let go and free ourselves to explore a new world with our eyes closed. All this to improve hemispheric integration and personal well-being. So I propose … do we press play and let ourselves be felt? Dare to discover yourself and fly with the music.

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