We Don’t Know What We Have Until We Lose It

Often after a while we realize what we lost and did not know how to value in its day. It is a very unpleasant feeling. In this article we will learn how to prevent this from happening again.
We do not know what we have until we lose it

A star means nothing until it is taken away from you. It is sad but it is like that, it is difficult for us to value every detail and every presence. We do not know the value of what we have and it belongs to daily life and, as we believe we have it safe, we neglect it. Hence the great importance of giving thanks and appreciating what you have.

So when we least want it, we find ourselves in the obligation to look towards that door that was closed waiting for it to remain ajar and to give us time to recover something of what is behind it. It may happen that it is already too late and that the grief of the loss makes us cry heartbrokenly at what is over.

If we stop to think, sometimes we are unable to recognize what is essential in our life and what we really need and want to maintain. We fix our mind on an idea of ​​fictitious permanence through which we try to justify our carelessness towards others.


Silence speaks louder than words for those who know how to listen

Problems do not usually arise overnight, but are preceded by certain games of silences, anger and disagreements. Thus, these behaviors are nothing more than a true reflection that something is drowning inside us and that it needs to breathe.

It is difficult to resolve difficulties when we treat relevant conflicts in a cold and distant way, when there is no longer the desire to argue, when it is believed that all is lost and when we let love freeze.

Accepting is one of the ways to value what you have

An argument has to face and find people because otherwise it is of no use. In the same way, the silences also have to flow with strangeness, with time and with mystery. They have the function of approaching postures in slow motion and calmly; not in order to make the parties involved give in, but to anchor the blunders and regain understanding.

cropped 2 old age

Silences and discussions bring us closer if we understand them, if we approach and acknowledge their existence, with their anger, with their hostility or with each of the ingredients that compose it.

Don’t say goodbye if you still want to try

Never say goodbye if you still want to try, never give up if you feel like you can keep fighting, never tell a person that you don’t love them anymore if you can’t let go. Never say goodbye like that, because saying goodbye means disappearing and disappearing means forgetting.

We have an ugly habit of not appreciating what we have in the present moment, as well as appreciating it too late. When we realize that we have let go of a beautiful part of our life, we suffer.

This can happen at the ultimate moment when things break or much later, but what is clear is that the pain will come out sooner or later.

Assess what you have

We don’t know what we have until we lose it  and we don’t know what we’ve been missing until we find it. Remember that love is made every day with details, with attention, with concerns and even with anger.

Embraced couple representing lasting love, valuing what you have

Making love means waking up every day with only one person in mind, making her happy, caring for her, bringing tears of laughter and happiness to her, talking nice to her and prioritizing her. Love cannot be left for tomorrow.

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