Videogames And Real Life

Our tendencies when it comes to behaving in a video game can reveal a lot about our personality in real life,
Video games and real life

The expansion of video games in recent decades seems almost unstoppable. More and more people of all ages and conditions are joining this mode of entertainment. The truth is that beyond constituting a leisure space, there is an interesting parallel between the behavior of people in video games and in real life.

Videogames obviously introduce us to a virtual universe in which we can more freely experiment with alternative forms of behavior that are different from those that normally characterize us. Despite this, some of our traits and tendencies are projected in our way of playing.

Regular and occasional players

Some research has been interested in knowing if there are differences between people who use video games frequently and those who never play or do so sporadically. The results break down some of the stereotypes most associated with this activity.

  • There is a clear relationship between the personality trait “extroversion” and the frequency of play. In other words, regular players are more sociable, active and impulsive than casual players. In addition, the former tend to get more involved in competitive and sports practices. These findings contradict the widespread stereotype that video games are for lonely and socially isolated people.
  • Regular video game players are more flexible, sincere and self-critical people. On the contrary, the occasional players are more rigid, conventional and tend to show a good image of themselves.
  • The belief that video games encourage aggressiveness is not so absolute and blunt. There are many different themes and most of them do not adhere to this statement. It is those realistic video games that represent violence between human figures that can generate aggressiveness. However, this increase in player hostility only occurs in the moments immediately after playing.

Do we act the same in video games and in real life?

  • Due to the particular temperament of each one, there are people who are more fearful and others with a greater tendency to explore. This inclination is evident from the first months of a baby’s life and usually remains quite stable throughout life. In video games as well as in real life, fearful people tend to risk less and act more indecisively. Which on many occasions takes them away from success: who does not risk, does not win.
  • Flexibility and the ability to adapt to changes is a very advantageous personality trait. In video games, the player’s ability to innovate and try different strategies is revealed. Those who remain in their comfort zone, repeating patterns that are familiar to them, risk that in this new screen of play (and life) their actions are no longer useful.
  • Some people in the face of uncertainty feel disoriented and disoriented and become paralyzed, they need a kind of instructions to continue. Others, on the other hand, are limited to progressing through trial and error until they find their way. This trend in real life is also projected into the style of play.
  • Tolerance to frustration is the ability to accept when things do not go as expected, without falling into negative emotions. Faced with a failure in the game, some individuals become frustrated and angry while others learn from their mistakes and prioritize the fun of the process rather than the result.
  • In games that allow multiplayer mode, it is easy to analyze the greater tendency to competitiveness or cooperation of those involved. Some people prefer to take control and give instructions to other colleagues while others are more involved in helping and working as a team.

Game and personality

Video games are a great setting for rehearsing different behaviors. They constitute a safe space in which to innovate and display different aspects of our personality. Despite this, many of our personal traits are reflected in our gaming behavior. 

Analyzing our trends in this leisure space can lead us to know ourselves better and to be aware of what does not work and we should work. Video games show us the importance of being flexible, determined and resilient in our real life as well.

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