Uncertain Futures Are Not Reasons To Ruin Opportunities Presents

Uncertain futures are not reasons to ruin presents of opportunity

When your gaze is focused on the life around you and not on uncertain futures, you seal a bet for the present. You can feel things that you could not otherwise. Even you yourself generate the opportunity to value what surrounds you and that deserves a “THANK YOU” in capital letters.

Everything is transitory. We have a life on our hands. A life. A finite time in an immense and fertile space, full of different possibilities and opportunities. Life surrounds us with its enormity. It is there for us, waiting for us to wake up and hold it tight with our hands. Without hesitation, without wavering.

We spend a lot of time in our existence wishing for situations that are uncertain, for people to change, or even waiting for us to change ourselves. We enter a kind of tunnel vision that prevents us from seeing what is around us. It prevents us from seeing the light of our life. Its nuances. Its light and dark.

Lonely woman sitting on a park bench

Life does not happen in uncertain futures

Life screams to be seen, to be heard. It wants to happen to you and it wants to belong to you. But we are so busy planning uncertain futures, scenarios in our minds, predicting and (pre) experiencing future catastrophes that it gets out of hand. How the water seeps through our fingers.

How much more time do you want to wait for that person to arrive or for the wind to blow favorable again to get you back on the right path? As if you had to retreat to another dimension and the only solution was to sit and wait. Without moving a finger to explore what you have around you, without giving what you already have.

Losing the opportunity to feed our senses, to enjoy how small and tiny that is so big at times… Being present here and now, in this precise moment, with every pore of our skin alert… is a passage to life. A passage to enjoyment, to calm, to connection with oneself.

To exist is to focus our gaze on the present

Connection we lose when we huddle in fear of uncertain futures. Waiting without “being alive” is like being dead while alive. We are desensitized. We believe that our history can wait for the moments when capricious chance gives us what we think we deserve.

We distrust when offering for fear of being those “fools” deceived. We hope to win if we risk when we postpone the present and its potential is to condemn ourselves to insensitivity. It is covering your eyes and continuing to walk. If I stumble, I’ll blame life for being so unfair.

sunflower field

When we focus our attention on what life “has” to give us, and not on what we can do while we are in it, helplessness and frustration will become permanent companions on this journey. On the other hand, when we focus our existence on what we can obtain from life, on the exchange that we can do with it … The inner look changes.

The importance of living with the eyes of the soul wide open

When we have our eyes open and our soul focused on that open-mindedness, we see what we could not see otherwise. We may be able to perceive nuances that would go unnoticed if the eyes of our being were closed. And it is there, where we can be able to enjoy life.

We are not talking about big events with repercussions that everyone perceives. We are talking about something much more intimate and sensory. We talk about feeding our being with the daily routine of being alive. To learn from nature and all that it gives us so generously.

Find your meaning of life and savor your existence. Do not let it pass, because this life is finite and seeks to meet your awakening with every second that passes.

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