Tips For Better Sleep

Tips for better sleep

Bad sleep is a problem. In addition to the discomfort it generates, poor sleep ends up producing sleep disorders. Recent studies show that these can be related to diseases or problems of all kinds. Sleeping is not a waste of time, but a basic function of our body that provides the necessary balance for good health.

We spend an average of a third of our lives sleeping (8 hours a day), so the habits that we take during that entire period will have a great impact on us. Here are some of the most common sleep disorders:

Insomnia . Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep for a certain period of time. It is usually accompanied by tiredness, irritability, etc., during the day as a result of not having slept ‘well’.

– Somniloquia . It consists of talking during sleep.
Sleep apnea syndrome . It is an alteration that occurs whereby a person stops breathing for a few seconds while sleeping.
– Night terrors and nightmares (children) . Sudden ‘awakening’ during sleep accompanied by sudden and unexpected crying.

‘Jet-Lag’ syndrome . Alterations in falling or staying asleep after traveling by plane through different time zones quickly.
– Bruxism . Commonly called ‘teeth grinding during sleep’.
– Sleepwalking. Automatic repetition during sleep of behaviors learned in the waking state.

Man screaming when waking up

If you think you may have any of these problems, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible, and follow their instructions. Only a professional can evaluate you and take the appropriate measures, never do it on your own.

However, here are some general guidelines or tips that you can put into practice if you have any difficulty falling asleep, in a timely manner, such as the time of year, the heat, work or personal problems, etc.

Improves environmental factors

1.- Reduce and eliminate noise, as far as possible.

2.- Try to adjust the temperature of the bedroom so that it is as comfortable as possible.

3.- Ventilate the room before sleeping, to free it of odors and to cool it down.

4.- The place where you sleep must be quiet for you. What is quiet for some is not for others. Have you considered it? Think carefully about what gives you peace of mind, relaxation and well-being.

5.- The mattress and pillow you sleep on are also very important, they have to be as comfortable as possible.

Improves factors associated with health

Man turning off alarm clock

1.-Try to get up and go to bed always at the same time, the lack of control affects sleep. Surprisingly enough, sleeping too long on a Sunday can backfire.

2.- Try to establish previous habits before going to sleep, such as brushing your teeth, preparing clothes for the next day or airing the room. This unconsciously mentalizes the brain that ‘bedtime’ is approaching.

3.- Do not carry out activities in the bedroom that can keep you awake, such as watching television, using the laptop, playing with the mobile, etc.

4.- You have to go to bed with the digestion done and without hunger and you have to avoid at all costs getting up at midnight to eat something, because otherwise your body will learn this habit quickly then it will wake up at night to feed it.

5.- Minimize stimulants such as coffee, tea, cola, etc. at dinner or before going to sleep. Likewise, alcohol and tobacco are stimulating substances.

6.- Do physical exercise on a regular basis, ending the day tired makes it easier to fall asleep. Of course, avoid doing it at the last minute, because you would activate your body and it could reveal you.

7.- The nap after the meal is fine, but it should not last more than 20-30 minutes or it will unbalance your sleep.

8.- Don’t be obsessed with falling asleep. If you go to bed and cannot fall asleep, get out of bed and do some quiet activity, read for a while or relax thinking about projects or beautiful memories are good options.

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