Three Simple Study Techniques To Achieve Better

There are many study techniques, however, we must find those that work the most for ourselves depending on our life habits, needs and particularities.
Three simple study techniques to achieve better

Surely on these dates, there will be many students who are already preparing their final exams. Anxiety, nerves, little time ahead… How can I organize myself? Study techniques are very important to be able to do this.

A fact that seems clear in today’s society is that we are obliged to “store a series of data and theoretical knowledge” to obtain a degree, to climb levels and aspire to a specific personal and professional achievement. But there are few academic curricula that include teaching students to study, how to manage their time, and even their anxiety.

First of all, we must be clear that “studying” does not exclusively mean “memorizing”. People have poor retentive capacity and we tend to forget much of what we memorize.

We will only remember what is significant to us, hence it is necessary to first establish a level of understanding, information management, transformation, as long as what is read is significantly established in our brain.

But let’s take a better look at each of the steps.

1. Organization and planning of the study

Alexander Fowlerh, a professor at University College London, points out in a study that not all techniques serve us all equally. First of all, it would be a matter of finding those strategies that best suit each of us. However, proper time planning is key in all cases.

It is therefore necessary that you establish a schedule. Know how much time you will have each day to carry out your study. We will also make an assessment scale of the subjects that cost us the most, dedicating especially more time to the difficult ones.

girl studying exams

Also, it is essential that each day, you also establish a time of rest. When we study it is very good to do some sport, go for a run for example. But above all, you have to be realistic, setting a schedule that you know you can stick to.

2. Strategies to meet the established schedule

You must understand that the place you have dedicated to carry out the study, you must respect it. Do not let friends or family bother you, do not put things that distract you, put your mobile phone aside and in silence.

  • The normal thing is that you establish times of 40 minutes.
  • Our level of attention usually drops when we have been working for three-quarters of an hour, so you can structure the 40 times into 40 minutes, leaving 15 minutes of rest in between

And what do I do in those 15 minutes of rest? You will ask yourself. There are three relaxation modes that will be very useful to regain a good level of attention.

  • The first is to look for 10 minutes at something that is at a distance of two or more meters. Do it calmly, breathing gently, relaxing …
  • Afterwards, relax the muscles of your head, raise your eyebrows about five times, holding them in tension for a few seconds, then relax.
  • The third form of relaxation is very simple, it is enough to breathe deeply and deeply slowly for two minutes. It is very easy and you will regain energy immediately.

3. The LSERM method

The LSERM method It is a simple method that will help us to achieve a much more meaningful learning, away from simple rote repetition. It is one of the study techniques that are used the most, perhaps because of the good results it has.


L = Reading

The first step in the study is to read the text to be learned. It is therefore a first exploratory reading, and then a comprehensive one. We will have to understand what the text tells us, and reflect a little on what it wants to convey to us.

S = Underline

A whole classic. We all do it, but are we doing it right? There are those who directly underline everything, or those who do not know how to identify the importance of the text. Hence, prior reading is essential. If we don’t know what to underline, what we can do is ask ourselves questions.  Before each paragraph, think of a question and underline what the answer could be.

E = Scheme

Did you know that memory remembers pictures better than words? If we organize the information in a scheme, the memory will be much faster and more meaningful. The outline is a perfect technique that allows the graphical representation of the text summary, so that, at a single glance, we can see the content and the organization of the ideas of the study material.

R = Summarize and review

It must be clear, a good summary should not exceed 30% of the total text. We must reflect only the important ideas in your own words, showing that you understand what you are talking about.

Study in the library

M = Store

It is the last step, but having successfully completed the previous links, it should be easy to remember everything you have worked on. The purpose is to create meaningful data. If we start wanting to “memorize” from the beginning on the first reading, it will be a superhuman effort, and the next day, we will hardly remember much.

It is best to memorize a little each day, look at your diagrams, your summaries, evoke aloud, memorize so that what you put in your memory is familiar and useful.

What do you think of these study techniques? Trying each one of them will allow you to know which one works for you, since each of us studies and organizes ourselves in a different way. If you have tried any of these study techniques, we encourage you to tell us about your experience.

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