There Are Untruths And Compromised People

There are lying people and committed people

There are lying people and committed people. The first are those that sell us their values, their false banners and their empty words in exchange for secret interests. The latter are a little less abundant, but at the end of the day, they dignify us. They are those with clear purposes, sincere people who inspire us, who defend what they believe in without hesitation or fear.

A few years ago a worldwide study was carried out to measure the degree of commitment that people had. Under the motto ” Inspire to connect “, we sought to assess three very specific variables: commitment to oneself, commitment to others and that established in turn with our planet and the environment.

The results were quite striking and are worth delving into for a number of reasons. It was found that the countries that had the highest scores on the three scales were South Africans, Argentines or Spaniards. For their part, those that were in the last places were countries such as China or Japan.

One aspect that could be discovered with this work is that committed people perceived themselves as happier. At the same time, something that was also clear is that no one can commit to those around them or to their own planet if they don’t love themselves first, if they don’t first put into practice an authentic commitment to themselves.

This last detail is as enlightening as it is interesting.

woman with poppies representing committed people

People lie and their low level of commitment

To understand the difference between lying people and committed people, let’s first define what we mean by “commitment”. In general, this term refers to a statement of purpose and an action plan to achieve a goal, defend it and visualize it in society. However, what is above all is an affective-emotional and cognitive dimension, a clear and well-defined sense of what is important to us, what inspires us and what we believe in.

Therefore, there is a sense of consciousness that starts from that internal universe where one needs to live in harmony with what he thinks and what he does. On the other hand, people lie also start from that inner sphere, but instead of nourishing themselves on their strengths, their ideals and values, they feed on the lack, what I lack, what I do not have and that the outside must offer me. .

Another aspect that we must consider is the following: there are people who are committed to the objective but not to the process. Let’s imagine that we have a partner who claims to love us, who convinces us that they are firmly committed to the relationship. He defends the goal, however, he does not comply with the process. That is, they do not invest attention or respect, or interest or quality time. In this case, we would also be dealing with a “lying person”.

woman with fan representing committed people

Committed people and self-love

Let’s go back to the study we talked about at the beginning.

As we can see, all this can be summed up in an express desire to take care of their loved ones, relatives, neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc., also committing themselves to social improvement and adequate protection of natural environments. Seeing this, more than one can wonder , is it that the Chinese or the German population does not do it?

Obviously they will, but perhaps they are societies much more focused on work and especially productivity, as is the case in China. The key, therefore, would be to maintain an adequate balance where there is a real commitment in all areas, personal, social, labor or economic, but without ever forgetting something essential: the best commitment begins with oneself. These would be the keys to achieve it.

  • Engagement people are critical. When you know what you want, what is worthy and what your values ​​are, you do not hesitate to maintain a critical attitude towards what you consider to be unfair. They are profiles that make use of a high frankness.
  • Good commitment also begins with yourself.  Good self-concept, strong self-esteem and working an image adjusted between what one wants and what one is capable of doing, will be of great help to us to commit ourselves to ourselves and others.
  • Thus, the greater the commitment to oneself, the greater the sensitivity to the environment and to society. Sooner or later one understands that we are not separate islands in the middle of the ocean, that in order to coexist we must also respect and promote the well-being of others and that of our environment so that we all win.

In conclusion. Despite the fact that in our day to day we find excessively with people who lie, we should not be discouraged or even less imitate their attitudes or behaviors by thinking that all is lost. If we imitate them, we will shape a hive mentality where we let others do the thinking for us. It is not the right thing to do.

Let’s learn to be more committed. Let’s choose a cause, ours and fight for it. Let us be, above all, people committed to ourselves, knowing that we deserve our rights, our happiness and our achievements. Let’s create a more dignified coexistence where we all win.

Images courtesy of Sofía Bonnatii

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