There Are Those Who Argue About Everything And Who Makes You Laugh With Everything

There are those who argue about everything and who makes you laugh with everything

There are those who have the art of untangling the knot of all difficulties and making you laugh until your stomach hurts. They do it just because, because life for that person has music, it has rhyme and it is simple. On the other hand, others argue about nothing and are dazed by everything, they only see walls where others see bridges, they bring storms on calm days and senseless anger that breeds distances.

Why are human relationships so complex? We could say that so hackneyed that in our day to day, it will always be better to avoid those who like to alter our psychological balance to stay only with those who give us joys. However, this principle of elemental health cannot always be fulfilled, because to live together you have to know how to understand other people’s perspectives and above all, you have to learn to survive in every scenario, whether it is inhabited by noble beings or angry dragons.

Sometimes who. Other times, those who laugh at everything actually apply aggressive or even self-destructive humor. Every behavioral style has its extremes and has above all its meanings. We must understand them, we must be wise readers and translators of those alien worlds that orbit around us, influencing us with their eclipses and tides …

Those who make us laugh at everything…. Are they always happy people?

Peter McGraw is a University of Colorado psychologist famous for creating the “humor laboratory.” This department studies, for example, the impact of humor as therapy and the use of laughter as a “drug” to improve the quality of life of chronically ill or cancer patients. Science supports these initiatives, although it has been shown that more than laughter, what improves the day-to-day life of these patients is their attitude, optimism and internal strength.

Likewise, Dr. McGraw has established in his theory the differentiation of 4 types of humor. Because sometimes, many of those people who make us laugh at everything are not always happy, they are not always the reflection of an adequate inner well-being. It is worth delving into these categories to better understand these types of dynamics that we see in our day to day.

  • This practice is very common in those who make us laugh through irony and the most cynical sarcasm, where third parties are objectified or ridiculed.
  • . This type of humor is one of the healthiest since it is very useful when it comes to managing stress. It is when someone is able to laugh at himself to relativize a bad day, a mistake made, to ironize with a defect that cannot improve or even to remove tension at a given moment.
  • Self-aggressive humor. It would undoubtedly be the other side of the coin of humor that seeks to improve itself. In this case, aggressiveness is used against oneself, either because of a notable low self-esteem, because of the imprint of a depression or because one seeks to victimize himself and attract the attention of those who surround him.
  • Affiliative humor. Finally, we have the expressiveness of the most invigorating, useful and wonderful humor, it is that which comes from someone who makes us laugh in order to unite more the bond between us, to build a complicity, to bring happiness, connection and real well-being .
woman smile

Thus, and considering the previous classification, it is clear to us that when we say that someone has a “great sense of humor” we really need to know what kind of humor they practice and how it impacts others. We have all experienced that moment when someone makes us laugh, but the feeling that permeates us is strange and uncomfortable, as if we were instantly aware of a malicious shadow.

Those who argue about everything … do they enjoy so much complicating life for others?

Tal Ben-Shahar, Professor of Positive Psychology at Harvard is known to be the “happiness guru.” His numerous publications on emotions and moods are always an interesting reference when it comes to better understanding certain behaviors, such as, for example, what is behind those people who argue about everything and who seem to enjoy so much complicating and complicating life to others?

The answer is simple: unhappiness. Now, behind this devastating word – no one deserves to experience such an abyss – there is a whole kaleidoscope of dynamics badly managed, badly faced, badly resolved. For example: low ability to tolerate frustration, poor strategies to solve problems, unrealistic expectations, tunnel vision, lack of reflective thinking, low self-esteem, low emotional intelligence …

We can all go through a moment like this, complex vital moments where one or more triggers end up weakening us to begin to see problems at every moment, to lower the blinds of our positivity and transform any conversation into an argument. We can all fall into the lagoons of discouragement and the pipes of discomfort, it is respectable and understandable. However, what is mandatory is to emerge from these toxic waters to be ourselves again.

To achieve this we need will and self-control. It is not necessary to fall into victimhood, it is only about picking up the broken pieces and as if it were a precise craft, repairing every corner with the glue of self-esteem and the varnish of motivation. In this way, we will also understand that not all those who laugh are happy nor those who argue about everything are lost causes.

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