There Are Hugs That Bristle The Skin And Recharge The Heart

There are hugs that bristle the skin and recharge the heart

The skin belongs to the one who bristles it through hugs, who recharges the heart with his beats, who wraps the wounds with caresses, assumes life with boundless goodness and decorates obstacles with smiles.

And there are hugs that almost literally rescue you from a shipwreck, rebuild your broken parts, break all fears, soften weaknesses and create a work of art with the pieces of your heart.

Woman hugging under a tree

Let’s ask for hugs for the good of all

The good thing about the psychological benefits of a hug is that they are shared and shared. There can be no selfishness behind a sincere hug, there can be no inequality or imbalance in the balance.

That is why it is good that we get rid of modesty, give hugs and ask for them. It is important that we reinstate the habit and culture of hugging, because thanks to them we experience, feel and rebuild emotions that we have banished.

Woman with a flower in her hands

Keeping ourselves whole through self-arms

The skin bristles with the warmth of a hug and with the intensity of contact, body to body. However, many times the cold of absences, difficulties and uncertainties can burn us, drown us and exhaust us.

There are times when we do not have the possibility of receiving those hugs that comfort us so much and then resisting becomes more complicated. Because you don’t have anyone by your side to remind you that it’s worth it and that sticking with your goals is the key to your success.

So in the midst of that undeserved loneliness we have to see that the flashes of our courage are what illuminate our path, that we can embrace ourselves and that, in fact, it is necessary and amazingly beneficial.

girl in positive attitude in the rain

Only in this way, by embracing ourselves, we will be able to anchor our life with dreams. For that it is always good that we remember Benedetti and his beautiful words. Words full of force that hug us and bristle our skin even in the deepest temporal and physical distance.


Do not give up, you still have time to reach and start again,

accept your shadows, bury your fears,

release the ballast, resume flight.

 Do not give up that life is that,

continue the journey, chase your dreams,

unlock time, run the debris

and uncover the sky.

Don’t give up, please don’t give in

Although the cold burns, although the fear bites,

Although the sun hides and the wind is silent.

There is still fire in your soul, there is still life in your dreams.

Smiling woman surrounded by butterflies


Because life is yours and your desire is also yours,

because you wanted it and because I love you,

Because there is wine and love, it is true.


Because there are not wounds that time can not heal.

Open the doors, remove the locks,

abandon the walls that protected you,

Live life and accept the challenge.


Recover the laugh, rehearse a song,

lower your guard and spread your hands,

spread your wings and try again,

Celebrate life and take back the skies.


Because every day is a new beginning,

Because this is the time and the best time.

Because you’re not alone, because I love you.

-Mario Benedetti-

Images by Puung, Natille and unknown authors.

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