The Three Pillars On Which To Build The Meaning Of Your Life

The three pillars on which to build the meaning of your life

When we review the stories that many people write or tell about their lives or about the lives of others, we realize how important it is to have done something worth telling.

If we now stop and think about what we are doing with our life and look back, more than one person will think that he is working too hard, that he does so many things that he barely has time to dedicate himself to his own or that he has long ceased to be interested in it. “Why” of things to focus on “how much.”

In general, we all want to have a happy life, but the daily hustle, stress, social obligations and other imposed by third parties, in addition to those that we add ourselves, and many other things, make us lose sight of what it really is for us be happy and that we forget our own values ​​over the “politically correct”.

Staying true to what matters to us and being true to ourselves will allow us to live our own values and live a meaningful and happy life from a full point of view.

Discovering our true selves, identifying what is meaningful to us, and identifying the obstacles, both internal and external, that stand in the way is essential to living that meaningful life that we all desire.

Highway at sunset

Think about what you really want in your life

Knowing “who I am” is a real challenge for each one of us, as is determining “what is my purpose in life”. If we do not know who we are or what we are looking for in life, we will navigate aimlessly through it. However, figuring out who we are and what we want out of life will help us chart a course and act accordingly.

Ultimately, to live a meaningful life you have to know what is important to you, far beyond what it should be. This is essential to know yourself. No one can force us to be, not even ourselves, because we are what we are.

On the other hand, deciding what we care about involves recognizing the people we care about, determining that they are a priority in our life and that taking care of them is part of what makes us happy.

Set specific goals by thinking positive

To set a good course it is necessary to set goals based on our main values ​​and beliefs. Often, many people tend to pose their goals in negative terms: “I am going to stop doing what I like to get what I want” or “I have to do something I don’t like to get what I want or stop being what I want. I do not want”.

However, speaking with negative messages will not help us as much as if we speak to ourselves from a positive perspective in relation to our dreams and goals.

Do not attend the demands of your inner critic

When one sets out, it is normal to encounter obstacles of all kinds, including that inner critical voice that will remind us how hard the road is, the amount of criticism we are going to receive from people, the amount of things that once We tried and what we could not do, the preparation that we lack, or why are you going to fight for something that is a losing battle, among many other things.

Sad woman next to the wall

Forget it, ignore them. Go back to your real motivations and get your point of view back. Your inner critic is nothing more than a subconscious voice that groups together all the negative things that you have already heard and that you will probably hear again from others. Identify them and face them to reaffirm yourself in your goals.

Don’t let fear or uncertainty keep you from moving forward. It is normal for these feelings to appear, but the important thing is to move on and fight for what we really want.


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