The Ishikawa Diagram For Solving Problems

The Ishikawa diagram is a very interesting resource to know what factors cause our problems. Thus, although this tool is frequently used in the quality processes of companies, it is also useful in the field of personal growth.
The Ishikawa diagram for problem solving

The Ishikawa diagram , also known as the fishtail diagram, is an essential tool in a company’s quality processes. Thanks to this instrument, existing problems can be analyzed by clarifying the causes that originate them. It also enables working groups to understand what obstacles are vetoing the organization’s potential.

Just by reading the name of this analysis technique we already intuit that its origin is not exactly Anglo-Saxon. The Japanese are great commercial strategists and, if a good part of their products, technologies and resources are in prominent positions in our market, it is for something. It was Karou Ishikawa, a Japanese industrial chemist and business administrator who introduced this idea in 1943.

To this day, Ishikawa is considered one of the great gurus in the quality processes of any organization. Not only do we owe him the now famous fish diagram to analyze the cause of problems in a company.

In addition, he was one of the first voices to emphasize the need to introduce total quality control (CTC) in production. Each and every one of the people who make up a workplace should participate in it, from the highest managers to the lowest positions.

For him, quality was synonymous with responsibility, ethics and education. If someone neglected these principles, the goals were not achieved. Likewise, every work team needs, according to its approach, resources to be able to monitor its progress, its problems and existing obstacles. The Ishikawa diagram is one of them. Let’s get to know it below.

Kaori Ishikawa, creator of the Ishikawa diagram

The Ishikawa diagram: what does it consist of?

While it is true that the Ishikawa diagram is used mostly in the business environment, in reality, we can make use of it in many more contexts. After all, it is still a good mental strategy with which to analyze the causes of problems.

However, it is interesting to know its two aspects or fields of application; Therefore, we will analyze in detail two ways to make use of the famous fish diagram devised by Kaoru Ishikawa.

The cause-effect diagram at the company level with work teams

Any company, no matter how small, faces its daily challenges with greater or worse effectiveness. One way to become more efficient is knowing how to deal with incidents, problems and discrepancies that arise at any time.

The Ishikawa diagram can help us to solve these potholes with ingenuity. The keys are these.

  • All members of the organization (or a representative of them) must be present.
  • First, the problem is defined, for example, the low production of the last quarter. That will be the head of the fish or in your case, the effect.
  • Once the problem is clarified, we proceed to trace the bones of our fish, which will define the causes.
  • To do this, the following scheme is followed, which traces the points of analysis or reflection:
    • Methods.
    • Machines (equipment).
    • People (workers).
    • Materials.
    • Administration.
    • Work environment.
  • Each person should contribute by suggesting what are, in their opinion and according to their experience, the causes that have originated this problem. Therefore, we proceed to carry out a brainstorm to create a large causal diagram with which to see what is wrong in the company.
  • The last step is the most decisive: solve. We must solve those challenges identified among all.
The Ishikawa diagram

Ishikawa diagram for our personal growth

As we pointed out, the Ishikawa diagram can leave the social sphere and the business world, to be an ideal strategy in the area of ​​personal growth.

We are basically before a tool that serves to identify the causes of those effects that limit our well-being at the present moment and, therefore, we can extrapolate it to almost any life scenario.

Now, how do we apply it in our day to day? How can it help us to promote our happiness or the power to achieve certain vital goals? Let’s consider the following steps.

  • We clarify our concern, our fear, emotional barrier or problem. For example: I feel stressed.
  • The second step, as we already know, consists of shaping the spines of the fish (which will trace those causes that may have originated the effect, in this case, stress). To do this, we can rely on the following categories:
    • How do I spend my time
    • What image do I have of myself? Is it good?
    • What kinds of thoughts do I usually have?
    • What people surround me?
    • Am I doing something to make myself feel better?
Girl writing a text titled "Letter to my future self"

The last step of the Ishikawa diagram applied to the field of personal growth or well-being is, once again, the most important. Once we have managed to detail and become aware of what is causing our discomfort or what are those realities that are an obstacle to achieving what we want (be it reducing stress, reaching a goal or generating a change) it is time to think about solutions.

It is useless to make the famous fish diagram if it does not allow us to generate improvements. Therefore, let us not hesitate to use this original resource for our own benefit. It is a valuable analysis exercise that also invites us to exercise creativity by promoting improvements, by allowing this amphibian to advance through an ocean that is brighter, happier and full of opportunities.

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