The 7 Best Bedtime Stories For Children

Children’s bedtime stories help children to fall asleep, and are also a great opportunity to share quality time with them.
The 7 best children's bedtime stories

It is time to go to bed, and the little ones are still energetic … What children’s bedtime stories can help us fall asleep?

Stories have multiple benefits in childhood: they help children to acquire the habit of reading, they entertain them, they stimulate their imagination and also teach them a moral. In this article we leave you 7 of them, in video format and also written.

The best children’s bedtime stories

We leave you 7 children’s bedtime stories for different ages and with funniest characters. Do not miss them!

1. The Sleepy Bear

One of the best children’s bedtime stories is the one that tells the story of Hannibal, The Sleeping Bear . Hannibal is a bear who likes to sleep very much. He wastes no time doing it, and spends most of the day sleeping. Sometimes he opens his eyes and sees what other bears are doing, but then he lies down and goes back to sleep.

One day while he was sleeping, he began to feel very cold. He realized that everything had changed: it had snowed, and the trees had no leaves.

He started asking everyone: what happened? But no one answered him. Finally a rabbit told him that everyone knew that winter was coming, and that was why they were preparing during the year.

The rabbit recommended asking the neighbors for help during the winter. Hannibal went from cave to cave ; Some gave him food, others a place to sleep… But he couldn’t sleep: he was afraid that something would happen.

Therefore, he helped others to do other tasks. He learned that working was fun too. He began to fix a cave for himself and the other animals and prepared for the following winter. At night he arrived tired and slept peacefully. And then the dream took on a new value: recovering for the next day.

2. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Another of the best children’s bedtime stories is this one about Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves , a classic. Ali Baba was a poor and honest lumberjack, who had a brother: Casín. Ali Baba one day saw 40 thieves hiding their enormous treasures in a cave, and that there was a stone to cover the treasure.

To his surprise, he discovered that the stone opened by saying “open sesame” and closed with “close sesame.” When the robbers had left, he approached and opened the stone. There were many jewels, it was a huge treasure. So, he grabbed enough gold to live like a king. He ran home and told his wife, Zulema.

She became happy and started jumping for joy. Ali Baba decided to bury the treasure ; Before, his wife wanted to weigh everything. That is why he ran to Casín’s house, to ask him for a scale. Casín smeared the scale with grease to find out what was going to be weighed on it and after Zulema weighed the treasure, he realized that there was a diamond.

He immediately went to Ali Baba’s house, where he told him everything. The next day, Casin returned to the cave and carried bags full of the treasure. But he did not remember the phrase to close the cave and did not close it. The thieves caught him stealing and took his life. Ali Baba went looking for him and found him dead.

He was very sad and took him to town to bury him. When the thieves returned to the cave, they realized that Casín was not there and they went to the town in search of him. They asked around the town.

After a long journey, they got the name Ali Baba. The chief went to his house with his men in hiding and pretended to be an oil seller. His wife let him in, he seemed nice, but found out they were the thieves. Zulema entertained the thieves and Ali Baba went to find the police.

They finally got them jailed, and Zulema and Alí Baba learned their lesson: they never had to rob anyone. Since then, they have been happily ever after!

3. Juana the giraffe with a cold

In Juana, the giraffe with a cold , a giraffe named Juana gets cold and starts sneezing. Since Juana has a very long neck, her sneeze sounds very loud, so that no jungle animal is allowed to sleep.

An elephant replies aloud: “Wow, I can’t sleep with that noise! Could it be that they are attacking us? ” Thus, warn the other animals to defend their jungle. The ostrich, the frog, the hippopotamus… they all come. Juana continues sneezing.

When they get closer, they realize it’s the poor sick giraffe. They ask him what is wrong with him. Juana apologizes, between sneezes. She wants to stop, but she can’t! The elephant proposes to ask the healer monkey for help.

The monkey arrived quickly and, with some herbs and other potions, makes the giraffe stop sneezing. The giraffe thanks you all for your effort. And so, everyone returns to their homes, being able to fall asleep, including Juana, who will surely continue to dream of that special day.

4. The mouse that ate the moon – Petr Horácêk

In the mouse that ate the moon the story of a mouse that looks out through the small hole where he lives and sees the moon is told. “How beautiful it is!”, He thinks. “I would love to have a piece.” The next morning, he saw something he had never seen: a piece of the moon had fallen.

The little mouse ran out and approached her: “It smelled very good!” He thought maybe it could be eaten. He ate a bite, and another, and another … Until he ate half. “Oh no! Now it will never be round again, ”he thought. The rabbit asked him what was wrong with him: “I have eaten half the moon.

The rabbit said: “No one can eat it!” The little mouse passed in front of the mole’s house, and the mole asked him what was wrong. He told her. The mole did not believe what he was telling him. The mouse returned home.

The rabbit and the mole came. “We want to show you something!” He accompanied them to the top of the hill and they saw the moon. The mouse was euphoric: “I didn’t eat it! Look at her! ”. The three of them sat down and ate the other half of the moon, which was delicious. But the moon continued to illuminate the sky, because… no one can eat the moon!

5. The crocodile who did not like water – Gemma Merino

With The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water , by Gemma Merino, we meet a little crocodile who didn’t like water; he wanted to play with his brothers, but they were all busy learning to swim and dive, and he didn’t like swimming, least of all scuba diving! What he liked was climbing trees. Having no one to play with, he felt alone.

He made a decision: he had saved money, and he knew what he wanted to buy: a float. He wanted to play with his brothers, but he couldn’t play ball or swim underwater. He decided to try again, but things didn’t work out.

He hated water! But then he sneezed. And he discovered that it was not a crocodile, but a dragon! He was born to burn fire and to fly, not to swim.

6. The Chicken Pepe and the Egg – Nick Denchfield and Ant Parker

The chicken Pepe and the egg is another of the children’s bedtime stories, in this case for the little ones and a little shorter, which explains the history of the chicken Pepe. The chicken Pepe finds something, what can it be? He examines it from top to bottom and realizes that it is an egg.

It hits it with its beak and it starts to break, and then … Emilia, Emu’s baby, comes out!

7. Lopez Dog – Nick Denchfield and Ant Parker

Finally,  El Perro López is another children’s story that can be ideal to put the little ones to sleep by the same authors as the previous one. It tells the story of the dog López, who was very clean, until he learned to splash in the water.

He was very quiet, until he learned to bark.  He was also very nice, until he started chasing cats … If you want to know more about the dog López, watch the video!

The good thing about stories is that they provide some kind of learning or moral. And you, do you know more bedtime stories for children? Did you know any of those presented? Which one did you like the most?


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