Take Advantage Of Moments Of Solitude

Take advantage of moments of loneliness

Loneliness is not synonymous with absence, because we find ourselves in the company of ourselves, our thoughts, our feelings. We should not be afraid of being alone.

In fact, when we are alone it is a good time to make decisions, since we are not influenced or influenced by the outside. I am not saying that we should not listen to what our close friends tell us, at all, it is always good to take into account opinions, but it is also good to put them in perspective.

What if we are never alone?

Woman looking back in solitude

Saying that you are never alone is like saying that you don’t have time for yourself, for introspection. Lack of loneliness can cause our behaviors to be somewhat “mechanical”, so to speak; As a consequence, we will not enjoy our actions as much.

But loneliness can be chosen, and that is when it becomes a formula to reconnect with ourselves, to look inside ourselves, to reflect on our life or to make important decisions.

That is why sometimes you have to find moments to be alone with yourself. Because we need moments for ourselves and because understanding ourselves helps us understand others.

Seize the moments in solitude

It is here when we make decisions, when we think and realize our mistakes and our successes, that we have fallen in love, with the beauty of the world, that saying yes is not always the best option, for example.

Woman reading to take advantage of loneliness

The artist develops his creativity fundamentally when he is alone, when facing himself. Think of the musicians and, above all, of the writers and painters (to give a few visual examples), I cannot imagine them composing or writing in a disco, although of course, nothing detracts that it is there where they receive the inspiration, the which is evidently prior to creation.

The creative process in art, in general, requires solitude, something essential for anyone who wants to create. It is loneliness that allows you to get out of yourself what you want to express, either with words, with strokes or with musical notes.

We do not know if our loved ones will always be with us, but one thing is certain, loneliness will always be with us, so we must learn to enjoy it. We will carry it within us all our lives, so we better take care of it.

Final tip

Let’s say you find that you have half an hour in which you have not planned any activities. Take advantage of those free moments to talk with yourself, to discover your thoughts.  After you have done it, you will realize that you have found yourself a little more.

Therefore, it is always good to spend a little time on your thoughts, on your sorrows and joys, on loneliness. Because sometimes loneliness is good company, not always, it is true, but sometimes.

But that does not mean that you have to lock yourself in your inner world, it balances the balance, because company is as good as loneliness, and none of them are to be feared. But for those who fear being alone, remember that this “is a path to self-discovery.”

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