Reconciling With Yourself Is The Beginning Of Everything

Reconciling with yourself is the beginning of everything

The beginning of everything is to accept reality , as it is. Life flows permanently and in its course it leaves us with countless experiences that constitute our knowledge. This knowledge refers to ourselves, others and everything around us. The experiences can be stimulating, fun and transcendental and this gives a plus of wisdom to our existence.

There are also painful experiences, because from the beginning life is also made up of deficiencies, frustrations and the impossible. When this cannot be assumed, it awakens in us fears, distrust and pessimism. In fact, we end up blaming ourselves. So, if we come to that, it is essential to find a way to reconcile with ourselves.

One of the most widespread therapeutic resources that offers the best results is to observe ourselves with greater indulgence. It is not easy, but it is important to learn to accept our limitations and our individual traits. We don’t have to be so hard on ourselves, nor do we have to start a relentless fight against our personality thinking that this is all horrible.

The beginning of everything: look in the mirror

It is likely that when we stand in front of the mirror we do not like what we see or at least part of it. We may have a tendency to criticize ourselves severely and negatively.

Many times we do not even look at ourselves, but we compare ourselves with a mental ideal. That is why it is important to learn to observe ourselves carefully and why not, darling. In principle, a good idea is to know and recognize that physical image. It is unique in the world and cannot be compared.

Woman looking in the mirror

Another good idea has to do with looking at ourselves in the mirror of our inner world. There are virtues and limitations there as there are in every human being. Thus, we will be able to accept them when we understand that everyone, absolutely everyone, is impregnated by imperfection.

If we cannot accept ourselves, we will not be able to accept others. A distinctive feature of someone who is accepted and appreciated is that they can also value others. On the contrary, whoever maintains an internal battle without truce also transfers that conflict to others.

It is not necessary to travel to the Himalayas and enter a state of concentration and absolute silence to see within ourselves. In principle, to meet again only two things are required: wanting to do so and being lost. To accept and love ourselves, it is first necessary that we know ourselves, and then that we recognize ourselves from kindness and understanding.

Learn to forgive ourselves

Sometimes we cannot accept ourselves because we take care to fill ourselves with guilt. We do not assume a defect or a limitation as a reality of every human being. In exchange, we whip ourselves and learn to turn mistakes into a burden that we carry forever. We cannot forgive ourselves for mistakes and we behave as if we were enemies of ourselves.

Inside every human being there are doubts about himself. For this reason, in principle it is very important to learn to identify the way in which you relate to your own thoughts. It’s important to spot those self-defeating lines of thought. Think that overcoming the negative perception that you might have about yourself frees you from that prison.

Man forgiving himself

It does not matter what degree of perfection we seek to achieve. Human nature, while wonderful, is imperfect. And perhaps this is its greatest attraction, because it will lead us to try to be better on a day-to-day basis.

Similarly, recognizing our limitations is an important step toward maturity and wisdom. And the best: it constitutes a direct experience that each one lives in a different way.

Honesty with our feelings

When we act against what we feel, our body expresses itself. In fact, we can become a kind of disease to ourselves.

So, we not only attack ourselves, but we also disconnect from that balance that exists in the universe. Think that many of the diseases we suffer from have an emotional origin and almost all are related to self-acceptance and self-love.

Contradictory as it may seem, sometimes we fail to accept ourselves because we have a gigantic vanity. Some also call it “narcissism.” We are not interested in being ourselves, but in being superior to others. Therefore, we cannot accept our mistakes or failures. We point fingers at each other and emotionally abuse each other.

Man believed

Think that mistakes do not lead to failure, but to experience. What does constitute a mistake is to remain in regret for having made a mistake. There are always ways to make up for mistakes. All of this is part of an evolving consciousness that must open up to new ways of assessing and resolving limitations. The principle of everything is to reconcile with yourself and give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the person you are,

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