Mother There Is Only One

Mother there is only one, and as such we must take care of her and respect her
Mother there is only one

Many times, we have not been fair to our mothers. If we look back at the time of our adolescence it is very possible that we are ashamed of our behavior. Our mother has always been there. In good and bad. Despite not having treated her with the affection and respect that she deserved, she always has open arms for us and there is only one mother.

On more than one occasion we have felt alone and helpless. We believed that life was not behaving well with us and we paid for it with whoever was around us. Our mother was one of those people who with sad eyes looked at us saying to herself “you are not alone, I am here.”

It is true that in part we are always alone. People come and go, we become independent from our parents, friends go to live far away… However, we have to open our eyes and be honest with ourselves. Who can we call if we have a problem? Who will always be there for us? Valuing our mother is something we learn when we find ourselves in the deepest of miseries. However, one must not go to such extremes.

Mothers and their eternal forgiveness

However, I can safely say that our mothers are always there from the moment we emerge from their wombs. A really strong and natural bond is created with them causing them to always worry about us.

Mother supporting her daughter

When we are little they always protect us from any danger, when we grow up and become youth they help us with our studies, and when we fall in love for the first time they tell us to keep “our feet on the ground.”

Ultimately, our mothers are that voice of conscience that we need so much to make the right decisions in our lives. Those that will mark our present and our future. And there is only one mother.

Likewise, and even when we are not fair with them and we get angry because they are too protective (I was the first) they will always be there to forgive us as many times as necessary.

Even if we don’t give them the treatment they really deserve, or we give them bad answers. And it is that the illustrious Russian writer Leon Tolstoi already said: “The heart of a mother is an abyss at the bottom of which you always find forgiveness.”  And boy was he right. No matter what we do, most of the time our mothers will always be there to forgive us seventy times seven.

They will need us in their old age

After reading these lines, you will surely agree to say that our mothers deserve our utmost respect. And for this reason, when they reach old age, it seems of utmost importance that the “tables turn” and we are the ones who take care of them, give them love and affection and give them whatever they need as far as possible. Especially if they do not have your best support in the form of a husband or partner.

Daughter supporting her mother

Do you have a bit of regrets because you recently had a fight with your mother? Well this has an easy solution. Go to her, tell her that you want to fix things, and then take her for a walk or a drink. Surely from the moment you do it, you give her the best gift a mother could have. The love, affection and affection of a son.

Because mother there is only one.

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