Morphopsychology: Your Facial Features Indicate Your Personality

Did you know that your facial features can speak volumes about your personality? Find out what science says about it, you probably feel very identified!
Morphopsychology: your facial features indicate your personality

Get ready for a deep journey to the depths of your personality through your facial features. Here I propose a tour of morphopsychology, the science that studies character through the observation of the face.

It is popularly said that the face is the mirror of the soul . There is no doubt that that phrase is very successful. The sages of antiquity deduced it with much less means than today. Currently, science itself has been able to reveal what we hide under our gaze, the smile or the tear.

What is morphopsychology?

Morphopsychology is a science that studies character through the observation of the different elements that make up the face. Among its tasks is the discovery of human attitudes and aptitudes, the understanding of individuals and a way of knowing the personality.

Morphopsychology brings together three scientific fields of great importance, covering psychology, physiology and the biology of human beings for its studies.

That is, a student of morphopsychology, with patient and continuous observation of facial features, can know a lot about the needs and desires of another person.

young man with maragaritas on his face and hair

Morphopsychology in current culture

Despite not being a very widespread science, an incompressible fact given its great usefulness to meet other people and ourselves, there are some interesting examples within popular culture.

We are talking  about an American series, which enjoyed some success in our country: “Lie to me” (“Lie to me”) . It starred American actor Tim Roth and centered on a criminal investigation group. This peculiar department had the task of solving the cases in which to determine if within the testimonies, the guilty or the witnesses, there were truths or lies.

Thanks to the reactions of those questioned, they could tell if a person was lying or telling the truth. The curious thing about the case is that the defendant made certain faces with his face that for the investigation team kept a correspondence with the truth or the lie. In addition, they used to put photos of well-known characters making similar gestures while telling a fact or an interpretation of the same that had later been proven to be a lie.

It is evident that morphopsychology is a very useful science, as it is an excellent means of knowing the motivations, personality or needs of the individual, including ourselves.

What is morphopsychology based on?

Morphopsychology bases its study on different parts and attitudes that are observed in our face, ranging from the skeleton to the senses:

  • The skeleton itself is the framework that offers the information of our face. Here you can get a first indication of a person’s expressive power and if it is activated.
  • The tone is the fuel that moves that gives power to the face. If there is excess tone or defect, it will define the state in which we are.
  • Another distinctive feature is the modeling of the face, which indicates the ability and level of adaptation of a specific person. Thanks to him some of his attitudes can be recognized.
  • The senses inform about the personality of the subject. The eyes, mouth or nose can show shy, outgoing, uncontrolled people, etc.
smiling girl with painted face

The study of the three areas of the face

Morphopsychology studies three specific areas of the face in which information is obtained. To do this, they differentiate them into three “brains”, which are the reptilian or instinctive, the emotional and the modern:

  • The lower area of ​​the face would be the reptilian brain. The mouth, chin, and jaw are located here. In it, the primary instincts of the subject and their desire to fulfill themselves can be verified, since it is linked to the endocrine nervous system.
  • In the middle area we find the cheekbones, eyes and the nose. It corresponds to the limbic and vegetative system, where emotions are found, so it is related to affects.
  • The upper area is the forehead, in which we find the cranian box, and it confers all kinds of information about the mentality and thought processes of the individual.

In short, there are three areas that represent digestive, respiratory and mental functions, so they are connected with concrete, relational and abstract intelligences.

That is to say,  morphopsychology is the study of the face, a reflection of the soul, because through our face we show joy, need, illusion or sadness. We draw each emotion without being aware of it, so we can consider the face as the canvas on which we paint our emotional personality.

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