Magnetic Minds: People Eager To Learn And Connect Emotionally

Magnetic minds: people eager to learn and connect emotionally

Magnetic minds are characterized by a deep attraction for knowledge,  for experiencing, for feeling, for building emotionally intense ties with other people. They are, in essence, hearts anxious to find meaning in life, but because they do not find it in such a significant way, it is common for them to experience episodes of depression or profound disappointment.

It is quite possible that this term, “magnetic minds”, is very new to most of us, strange even. We could say that we have reached that time in which every day more personality profiles, more behaviors, more vital approaches are labeled. This one that occupies our article today is not as new as we think, it appeared in 2000 thanks to a book by the psychologist Mary-Elaine Jacobsen entitled “The magnetic adult, a guide to everyday genius.”

What its author and many other psychologists have seen for years in their consultations is a certain personality profile that, until not long ago, no one had yet named. They are people who shine, who dazzle not only for their knowledge, but above all for their great sensitivity, for their intense passion for life and for sometimes too high ideals.

They want to achieve a rewarding professional future according to their talents , they want to find partners with whom they can experience intense emotions and create a meaningful life, they look for friends with whom they can also connect intellectually and above all emotionally. We could say that for these people there are no middle terms, everything must be intense, everything must give them a revealing and almost magical meaning with which to grow.

As we can already imagine, this personality style lives in a continuous contradiction. Your expectations and that magnetic mind, but above all sensitive, collides almost constantly with harsh reality.

Sad man looking down

Characteristics of magnetic minds

It is common for magnetic minds to be mistaken for those intellectually privileged or high IQ minds. It must be said that this is not always the case. We are dealing with people with a great capacity for achievement, curious people, eager to accumulate knowledge and experiences, and above all, to emotionally enjoy this entire process.

Let’s see more features below.

Magnetic minds work very fast

Magnetic minds have arborescent thinking. From one concept they climb to a deeper one and then jump to another idea, and then to another. They are interested in many things at the same time and try to delve into them because they are moved by curiosity, the almost tireless need to know, to discover.

Their minds work very fast, they are attentive to all stimuli and sometimes they get frustrated because they cannot reach all those signals, everything that surrounds them.

An almost painful empathy

One of its most characteristic features is its ability to connect with others. As their name indicates, they are “magnetic”, they have a great facility when it comes to capturing the needs of others, to read emotions, to know the interests of others. However, if there is something they expect, it is to be reciprocated in the same way, with the same emotional intensity.

Since this does not always happen, they experience disappointment in a desperate way, criticism, deception and emotional coldness hurt in an almost devastating way.

Magnetic minds always receive the same criticism

People who know a magnetic mind always point out the same thing: “they are too passionate”, “they are too sensitive,“ they are too dramatic ”,“ they go too fast ”…  “ Too much, too much, too much ”is the eternal litany that is usually found this type of personality.

Sad woman touching a heart representing magnetic minds

However, they think that “it is never enough”

Here comes the eternal contradiction of magnetic minds, to think that although everyone around them thinks that they live in continuous excess (especially emotionally) they think that they always lack something, that their voids are tremendous and that they must try harder, that must reach many more things.

Dissatisfaction is eternal. And it is because they do not achieve meaningful personal relationships, because life continues without meaning and because perhaps, they should try much more to discover this and that, to know what is beyond …

Deep thinkers with sensitive hearts

If there is one thing that magnetic minds crave, it is to meet an affectionate partner who challenges them emotionally and mentally. That is undoubtedly one of your highest goals and, in turn, one of your deepest frustrations.

Thus, it is common for very complex times to go by, times of great anxiety or even depression. Their sensitivity is very deep and it is usual that in those days or months of isolation they dedicate themselves to deepen their thoughts even more, to try to forget their disappointments by immersing themselves in books, in new courses, in accumulating knowledge.

Woman reading a book

To conclude,  what magnetic minds need most is to feel fulfilled and accepted. Something like this is never easy if one lives in such a high emotional frequency, and in that continuous tireless desire to accumulate wisdom, in order to find meaning in life.

Finding that magnetic “north” is not easy, we know. Hence, they must learn to keep their feet on the ground, to find an internal balance where they understand that life has the meaning that one wants to give it, and that many of the answers are not always on the outside or next to anyone, but in that interior that needs to be nurtured, valued more and self-realization.

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