Listen To Your Inner Guide To Find Peace

Inner peace is a shared goal. The absence of internal wars with identified and unidentified enemies – unconscious – supposes the seat of a good quality of life.
Listen to your inner guide to find peace

To find inner peace there is no magic recipe written in a book, a movie or in a person. Although being surrounded by love and having at least the basic needs satisfied is a base, the truth is that, in the first instance, it is advisable to listen to the inner guide to identify our real needs.

In many cases, inner peace is tried to find outside. However, inner peace is a path of personal discovery that the individual himself must travel to finally find it. From then on, everything will be clearer and relating to the surrounding world will be easier, as well as pleasant, after having found the inner guide.

Woman ridding herself of toxic thoughts

How to find inner peace?

To achieve inner peace is to discern your own priorities, those that are not talked about in public or in a very loud voice. Those interests that are engendered in the depths of the soul and that only the individual himself really knows through his inner guide.

Precisely, on many occasions it can happen that through a mechanism of denial, self-boycott or emotional blockage, the person is unable to discover what he really wants. In this way, the degree of dissatisfaction can be really significant and will affect various phases of your work, personal, educational and family life.

However, finding peace is a need and an urgency that each being must establish as a priority, regardless of what others think about it or what they believe is correct about the future of their own actions.

Understanding yourself, many times, is a lifetime’s work. Knowing yourself, accepting yourself and understanding yourself can reduce the level of conflict that comes with having mixed feelings. Not always what is desired can be achieved and that supposes an extremely high level of frustration, repression and suffering.

Crises as an opportunity for change and reflection

Maintaining a rich inner dialogue is one of the greatest virtues we can count on. Precisely, through a process of introspection, we can find answers to many of the questions we ask ourselves.

However, it is important that the individual has the courage to know how to listen to himself no matter what the response will really be and not to condition it by cultural, social or family mandates. In addition, the answers are not always at the conscious level, so a deep analysis work may be necessary.

Once you are able to establish direct, absolute and sincere contact with yourself, by asking what you really want and by responding reliably, you will be able to establish a degree of peace never before achieved. Lying to oneself is one of the highest degrees of dissatisfaction that can be achieved, because it generates suffering that is difficult to tolerate.

Perceiving crises as an opportunity to experience dissatisfaction at its best is a way of taking advantage of the moment to seek, through inner guidance, what it is that really causes pain. Working on your own emotions, trying to establish a new order of priorities, can be a possibility to stop suffering.

Likewise, change can be established from the understanding that many times, or practically always, the problem itself is part of the solution. When it is understood in this way, the way out is finally found, because understanding allows, in many circumstances, to end the condition or at least significantly reduce it.

Thoughts as an inner guide and spiritual light

Woman with open arms

In some circumstances of life, we do not hear the inner voice that expresses exactly what is desired. Due to cultural and social imposition, there are situations in which we are deaf to that which functions as an inner spiritual guide.

In the end, inner peace will also be based on the satisfaction of unconscious desires. In communicating with what we have been able to identify through a meticulous analysis work for which we are likely to need help and support. In this way, we will gain the opportunity to put aside the recurring dissatisfaction that living within a given cultural and social system means.

Editing note : the content of this article is in line with a psychoanalytic perspective. In fact, it was written for your interpretation in that key.

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