Life Will Give You Everything You Need Only If You Trust That You Deserve It

Life will give you everything you need only if you trust that you deserve it

When one assumes, understands and internalizes that he deserves to be happy, life makes its way, the days orchestrate new opportunities, the locks are opened and the enemies become statues of salt that the wind carries behind them. Nothing can stop us when we perceive ourselves as deserving of joy and no one has a voice to surround our wills with fear.

Emily Dickinson said with great success in her poems that people ignore our own height until we stand up. The most curious thing about all this is that it is often our own education, society and the people around us who generally tend to prefer us sitting, submissive, quiet and obedient.

In fact, this is exactly what happened to the Massachusetts poet, who was imprisoned by disappointments, fears and sadness in her own room in the Amherst family home, becoming little more than a warm shadow, in a very slim figure that the neighbors saw through the windows. Of his 1800 poems written, he only saw a dozen published while he was alive and of the people who made up his life, he only loved one, but neither of them was brave enough to take the plunge.

They were other times, there is no doubt. It was other mentalities, it is clear. Yet, oddly enough, the complex universe of emotions, insecurities, and a lack of self-confidence is a refrain that never goes out of style. It is like a moviola that never stops, that brings us the magic of an occasion and lets it go, that teaches us what happiness is and soon takes it away, leaving us with desire, sorrow, memory and regret. .

Regret for not having dared to “something else”, for not having fought, for not feeling deserving of that unrepeatable opportunity, for not having combined enough courage for that lost love …

girl with a heart-shaped balloon

You deserve a better life

Ana has started going to the gym because she wants to live a healthier life. He goes every day from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., but still smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. . Marta ended a very stormy emotional relationship a month ago, and since then, she has been hooked on Internet dating sites with the obsessive idea of ​​finding the “ideal partner”.

All these examples can be summarized in a central idea that will be known to all of us: while we find balance in one area of ​​our life, in another, we are backsliding in an alarming way. It is as if we do not finish understanding that we deserve a better life, and this often pushes us to stop taking care of ourselves in a fuller, more integral way. Why do we do it? Why don’t we finish assuming an authentic control of our reality in order to achieve well-being?

The answer to this question must be sought not only in our past, but in our own inability to take care of ourselves, to promote psychological well-being and above all, to manage our own emotions. In the three proposed examples we have seen that each of these people carry out some correct actions: one goes to the gym, the other looks for work every day and the last has ended an unhappy and complex relationship.

Sad girl

However, the rest of behaviors shape these common black holes: anxiety, uncertainty, fear of the future, the inability to be alone, addiction to some substance. .. We all know that we deserve a better life, but we don’t we know how to attend to the authentic needs, those that reside in a more intimate, deeper layer of our being …

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