Keys To Avoid Postponement

Keys to avoid procrastination

Procrastination is the habit of postponing activities that need to be carried out, replacing them immediately, with others that are more pleasant or without much importance. This postponement becomes a great barrier to achieving goals, since we do not implement appropriate measures.

It is basically an aggression towards our dreams, towards ourselves. Thus, anguish and guilt enter the scene, while we lose self-confidence, believing less and less in our possibilities. Today’s proposal is to share some keys to avoid procrastination.

The curious thing is that according to numerous observed cases, the most frequently postponed activities are those that are desired to be carried out. While on the contrary, the tasks related to other people’s orders, are the least affected by the postponement.

What leads to endlessly procrastinating?

Excessive self-criticism is the one that puts the most stones in the way. This self-discrediting, by telling us that we are not capable enough to perform certain tasks, leads us to feel inferior. In some cases, depending on its severity, it can even lead to depression. By addressing messages of this kind, we focus our attention on what we fear others will think. Hence, a profound change implies focusing energy on our active participation in the situation, in order to also learn from experience.

Idealizing goals is another frustrating element that often accompanies excessive self-criticism. When we imagine that what we want is simply perfect, usually sooner rather than later, reality shows us that although there can be gains, things are not perfect.

Procrastination for fear of mistakes only increases that fear. Thus, with the intention of not making mistakes, we may say to ourselves that later we will have better conditions to perform correctly. And in reality, the time to work in the best possible way is getting shorter.

Within the wide range of reasons for procrastination, the difficulty in concentrating also stands out, many times related to characteristics of the environment where a task is carried out.

Keys to stop procrastinating

* Understand that it is possible to continue and learn, regardless of the inconveniences.

* Differentiate the urgent from the important. What is important to us? Seeing it written is more useful than it sounds. It is true that urgent situations, in many cases do need attention at the moment, but in several others, we classify as “urgent” things that in reality are not.

* Divide tasks. Putting them into practice in parts is a wise step when it comes to being more active without overloading ourselves, especially if it is a relatively large project, either in the medium or long term. Let’s start today with a part. In addition to moving forward, it shows that we can move towards what we want.

* Reward yourself by doing something enjoyable as soon as you finish an activity. Listening to music, going for a walk, etc., is a way of associating the new behavior with something pleasant, increasing the chances that it will be repeated.

* Modify the environment. What changes in the environment would favor the task? For example, working at an uncluttered desk tends to maintain a sense of control and make us feel more at ease.

* Focus on the benefits of doing what used to be put off.

These keys to avoid procrastination are a schematic guide to reflect and act on the routine. However, we are the protagonists of our lives, who can decide to put a limit on procrastination.

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