I Love Hugs That Make Me Close My Eyes

Real hugs, those that make our skin crawl and make us close our eyes, are indescribable and very necessary. We reflect a bit on its importance below.
I love hugs that make me close my eyes

I love those hugs that make me shudder, that manage to stop time and stop my breathing. I love them because they recompose me and make my sorrows and my fears fly very far.

I like hugs that, although they do not solve anything,  help me to tell adversities that they will not be able to me, that they will not break down my walls or destroy my crops.

I love those hugs because they break my ravings, they help me maintain a balance, they comfort me and they undress my essence. I adore them because they convey such an ideal affection that I dare to pinch myself to know if I am dreaming or if it is true that my world is held on top.

So yes, I confess, those hugs are my weakness. They melt me ​​just thinking about it. They warm me, they tuck me in and make me feel that life is neither unfair nor bad, and that there is no better way to feel than through the skin.

Couple embracing

The skin belongs to the one who bristles it

Feeling that affection makes my skin shiver and then, for a moment, it stops being mine and begins to be the one that makes it go away. Because the truth is that not everyone achieves this, only those people who earn the best positions in the ranking of our lives.

They are the ones who hold us with their pillars, with those hugs that come when hopes are cracked, our windows squeak and opportunities play hide-and-seek.

Couple embracing in the air

So when our skin crawl, nobody remembers the blows of life. We do not remember because it is in this contact that there is a reason to smile again without looking back at the same time that we put an end to the failed bets and the defeated battles.

I love those hugs that mend my broken parts

I love to think of those arms that when they tie me, they mend my broken parts. It’s a wonderful feeling to feel the chaotic world rearrange itself under my feet, that I can step on my past and move on.

This is how I realize that overcoming the potholes is about coping and persisting, enduring the downpour and waiting for the best to come. And with this idea I rejoin my pieces, those that save me and close my wounds.

mother and daughter under a blanket thinking about hugs

I like sincere hugs

Maybe I’m too sensitive, but for me there are sincere gestures that fix my day and solve my life. It is something like that they recharge my batteries and plug my battery to a high voltage current.

But, although I do not explode, the butterflies that I carry inside do hatch. So everything seems prettier to me, with more colors and less gray. Something so wonderful and so spectacular that it completely mesmerizes me.

This is the great effect hugs have and the main reason we love to receive and contemplate them. Because hugs not only make us feel special, but also give us the possibility of being unique.

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