I Like People Who Try To Understand Rather Than Criticize

I like people who try to understand rather than criticize

There are people who criticize and abuse constantly. They are the creators of negativism and disseminators of what for them are mistakes and bad examples of life. They criticize your way of dressing, your words, your gestures, what you do and even what you don’t do too. Nothing is correct if it is not according to your way of life.

But there are also people who instead of judging to criticize, look at you with eyes full of understanding and curiosity. People who, although they do not understand what you say or how you behave, decide to listen to you, free from backgrounds.

Don’t let a criticism affect you

Life is too short for you to focus your attention on other people’s opinions that are not helpful or constructive. Hearing harmful criticism and spinning it doesn’t benefit you. By doing this, you are only empowering those words and allowing them to affect your self-esteem.

woman holding triangle

Nobody likes hearing negative comments about oneself. In a way, a critic confronts us with who we think we are and how we act, so it is very easy to feel offended by them. The question is not to take the bait of those people who are going to destroy us, and to know that what other people think of you is their reality but not yours.

It is better to stay away from people who constantly criticize and if you don’t, be clear that those who waste time criticizing and pointing out others wastes much of what they could dedicate to their personal growth. In a world of imperfect, in which the different is what makes us unique, it makes no sense to mark it as negative. Because the attitude that improves our emotional well-being is not criticism, but the ability to want to improve.

Practice active listening and understanding with others. Try to understand them, without judging them. Keep in mind that the best option for you is always linked to the way you see and experience life, and that the other person has a different one. Thus:

  • Listen to attend, not to respond. People who listen know that even behind the silences there is a meaning, because they feel the other person without barriers in a free and empathetic way.
  • Understand to know other points of view, other realities. If you cultivate understanding, they have the opportunity to know other ways of seeing life that may complement yours, make you discover new things or simply enrich yourself.

No one can put themselves in your shoes

They say out there that nobody can put themselves in your shoes and of course not. Your shoes are made to measure and your way, they have been molded by the stones and flowers that you have been finding, so no one can replace you in them. You have your abrasions, some have healed but others are still waiting to heal and all that justifies the way you walk in life.

Feet walking on sand and feathers

Like you, each person around you also has their own unique shoes. Wasting time criticizing them seems absurd when we don’t even know their entire journey. Therefore, dedicate your time to improve yourself and continue to grow, building healthy ties and strong bonds.

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