I Like People Who Leave A Mark And Don’t Need To Hurt

I like people who leave a mark and don't need to hurt

I like people who leave a mark and don’t need to hurt. People who have more than earned a space in our hearts. They have taught us the value of friendship, to savor honesty and to be able to trust. Thanks to all those special people we have been enriched and we have been able to feel true happiness. However, we have not been fair to any of them.

We are full of marks from those people that we have forgotten too quickly. Not because we do not appreciate everything we have experienced by their side or because we do not give importance to how strengthened we are thanks to the support they gave us, but because we have given greater relevance to all the people who, in some way, hurt us.

People who leave a scar

We know how to differentiate those people who make us feel good from those who don’t. However, the decision to let go, to walk away, or simply to disappear is choking us. We allow them to play with our feelings, to continue to treat us badly. We are aware of the path we have to take, but guilt and fear make us doubt.

We give much more importance to what marks us in a negative way. Perhaps this happens because it is in those moments of sadness, depression or true horror that we begin to value and appreciate what we have. Think of the times when you have been very sick, with the flu, unable to get out of bed. Do you then value those moments in which you are well? However, when you are no longer bad this feeling fades: the usual dust, masks, what is actually extraordinary.

Suffering woman looking out the window

In a matter of relationships, exactly the same thing happens to us. People who leave marks in the form of scars tend to survive longer in our memory. We hold it responsible for our discomfort, we focus a lot on everything that it has caused, on what it has made us feel. This happens because what we have experienced thanks to them is negative and our survival instinct maintains the echo in the form of a memory, just in case fate puts us back in a similar circumstance.

But it is the people who leave a mark, not a scar, to whom we should give our full attention. Thanking all the good that we have been able to learn from ourselves thanks to those people. Being aware of how much they have contributed to our life, without taking anything away from us. It is not necessary to suffer or have a wound for someone to mark us. The best prints are subtle, only perceptible to those who know how to appreciate them.

Although it seems difficult to let go of memories flooded with pain, the truth is that there are shortcuts to achieve it. Just close your eyes, listen to your body and let yourself be carried away by what you want, by what makes you feel good. Suddenly, those people who left a scar on you will disappear and will be replaced by those who only brought you good things.

The normal thing is that you are not the target of any evil being, nor that you have only bad fortune cards. You’ve probably just come across someone who didn’t know how to treat you in the best way. But this should not provoke your regret, or that these people become the protagonists of the trips you make for your memories. The ones that deserve your full attention are the ones who have been there when many fled, the ones who listened attentively when many pretended to do so, the people who marked you not with a scar, but with love.

people who leave a mark without hurting

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