How To Maintain Psychological Balance?

How to maintain psychological balance?

Maintaining psychological balance means maintaining a certain stability when it comes to humor, emotions and feelings. It also involves reacting psychologically in moderation to various external stimuli, in a proportionate way and maintaining a certain self-control of impulses and instinctual life.

On the contrary, we say that a person is unbalanced when he is too sensitive to external events, overreacting to them. A psychologically unbalanced person has a fragile and unstable affectivity.

The person who does not maintain psychological balance is capable of collapsing at any event. You will easily become discouraged, sad, or pessimistic. On some occasions, the lack of balance comes, paradoxically, from an exaggerated balance.

This exaggerated balance reflects a more or less serious psychic anomaly. This is the case with people who lack or almost lack feelings. They can be people without compassion, ethical conscience, shame, etc.

Each person has their own psychological balance

There are cases in which the lack of psychological balance is due to a mental illness. In these cases, it will be necessary to combat it through appropriate treatment. However, many other times it is a personality problem. In these cases, the question that arises is how to achieve a balanced personality.

Each person is a world with its own characteristics. It would be a chimera to expose in detail the way of being that would bring psychological balance to all. To achieve this, it is not necessary to change our way of being until we have a more or less standardized personality.

Trying this would be more like an attack on our own identity. However, there are a number of psychological factors that are the fundamental ingredients of a balanced personality. Without them, a person is liable to collapse.

Crying woman with borderline personality disorder

Self-knowledge of a balanced personality

First of all, getting to know yourself is essential. This can be achieved through an analysis of our strengths and limitations. It is necessary to know what we are gifted and capable of doing, as well as what is difficult, almost impossible, due to our limitations in the physical or intellectual field.

Knowing yourself requires introspective analysis. This means valuing our way of being and our capacities, pouring ourselves into ourselves. It also requires an extrospective analysis, that is, knowing ourselves by our works, by what we have been able to do up to the present time.

Both types of analysis are difficult. By being judges of ourselves, we put in place defense and self-justification mechanisms that make these criteria lose objectivity. Therefore, this information must also be compared with that of other people who deserve us trust.

Once we approach the knowledge of ourselves, it is easier to establish a coherent project of life that is achievable within the framework of our own possibilities. In this way we can achieve a certain constancy in the face of adversity and greater self-confidence.

The problem of putting too much heart and too little head

The imbalances often come from seeing ourselves overwhelmed by our affectivity. We put too much heart in things and too little head. Nor is it convenient to become cold and overly rational beings.

We must try to achieve a balance between the rational and the affective. This balance should allow us to approach problems and circumstances with realism and objectivity, without dramatizing them and without ceasing to be ourselves, analyzing them simply and naturally.

Heart and brain

Likewise, taking care of some social aspects can be of capital importance. We must try to establish sufficiently broad and sincere social, family or loving relationships, with an open, tolerant and flexible spirit.

Taking care of these social aspects helps to achieve a balanced personality that is not focused on itself, but also on others. In this way it will be enriched, opening up to broader horizons.

Lastly, work is also important. It is just as damaging to work too much as to dedicate too little to some professional task, trying to satisfy only superficial or merely material desires. In both cases, a personality mismatch and a deep and serious psychological imbalance are produced.

You may have lost your balance at some point, but regaining it is not impossible. As we can see, to maintain psychological balance we must know ourselves, establish a coherent life project, take care of our social relationships, etc. Only in this way will we achieve the long-awaited psychological balance.

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