How To Increase Productivity By Making Use Of New Technologies

How to increase productivity using new technologies

One of the most reputable consultants of the moment, David Allen, affirms that ‘you can do everything, but not everything’. If you are interested in reaching more, new technologies can increase productivity and reach almost everything, but not everything?

You probably can’t get to everything, but it is true that  new technologies make life much easier for us  at a productive level. And don’t just focus on work. Our day to day is also easier. So each automation you implement will make your life a little easier.

How to increase productivity with the use of new technologies

The latest studies affirm that the automation of processes generated by new technologies increases productivity between 0.8% and 1.4%. And this is not going to stop growing, so the time is now.

If we look back in history, the first industrial revolution, with the simple steam engine, managed to increase productivity by 0.3%. In the last 50 years we have advanced more than in the previous thousands of civilization, and this is not going to stop. We must take advantage of everything that is within our reach. 

Woman with computer and mobile

Applications to increase productivity

Today we have a large number of software to improve our productivity. Installed in laptops or desktops, they mechanize processes that facilitate and speed up the amount of work.

But beyond data processing software and others like it, mobile applications have come to stay. There are them for all tastes, from those that help us organize our appointments and time to those that help us control finances.

Efficient data handling saves time, and saving time is increased productivity. But not only at a professional level, there are also apps that entertain and amuse us, which makes us more cheerful and happy, something that also allows us to be more productive.

Internet, the great productive tool

If there is one tool that has made us powerfully productive, it is the Internet. Since we have enjoyed the large network, communication times and costs have been reduced a lot, a lot.

According to a study by the University of Melbourne, even people who surf the Internet during their working hours as a distraction end up being 9% more productive than other colleagues who do not do this practice. In other words, if the internet is used for a reasonable amount of time, such as 10% of the working day, the employee is more efficient. Each break improves the person’s ability to concentrate.

In addition, the Internet has also been a very revolutionary tool for other aspects such as communication. Online calls, chat tools, emails … They allow a much more reliable registration and a faster and more fluid communication.

Mobile phone

Email, the great productivity creator

Email is a great tool for increasing productivity as long as it is used with common sense. That is, if you look at the email every five minutes, it loses all its real usefulness.

However, it is a very fast form of communication that allows you to keep a record of all kinds of meetings and comments. That is, against phone calls, everything is recorded here for later reference.

Of course, by way of advice that you can accept if you wish, if you let it ring every time a new email comes in, the distraction can be enormous. It is much more advisable to consult at certain times, such as once an hour or three times a day. Everything will depend on the need for the tool for your use.

As we can see, new technologies increase productivity. Of course, good sense and responsibility are paramount when using them. Used well, there is no doubt that they are a revolution on a personal and professional level.

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