Good Things Come To Those Who Know How To Wait

Good things come to those who know how to wait

Patience, that word again. He who waits, despairs and is confused. Especially when we run into the uncertainty of not knowing when what we long for will arrive. Don’t get tired of waiting. The reward hopes you have patience.

However, patience is more than waiting, it is calm expectation, it is a kind of pause in our longing. Patience does not lull us to sleep, it overcomes anguish and wakes us up.

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet

It is difficult for us to understand it, but patience is not charging and holding until we can no longer and explode. She is an art, an art that is responsible for freeing us from unnecessary emotional burdens to maintain our state of peace.

Eastern philosophies speak of the gift of patience as if it were a force that our mind uses to tell the rest of the body that everything will come. And it is that the most beautiful things in the world require patience to cover themselves with a halo of enthusiasm and illusion. A complicated love, an inaccessible person, a physical preparation, an opposition; in short, any goal and any achievement that we set ourselves.

Woman who knows how to wait reading

By waiting and not despairing you will find the unexpected

Often times, we believe that life tells us “no”, when in reality it is just telling us “you must wait. We get impatient and, as a consequence, our nervousness causes us to make mistakes. Sometimes we feel that we get tired, that our friends, our partner or our expectations exasperate us, that nothing comes of what we intend to create and that life is not made for us.

The one who endures, wins. However, judging by our interest in cultivating and working on this gift, patience is a dethroned queen. We are taught to be the first in everything, to win those we have next to us, to run … And that’s it.

If you take things patiently, you are not worth it, they leave you out of the game. However, the truth is that any success requires time and patience, and those are the only instruments that guarantee us to achieve a skill.

Woman sewing with patience

Work patience to know yourself

The great sages are calm, patient and self-assured people. This gives us the clue that being patient and knowing how to wait will help us to contemplate the world with greater understanding and good sense.

When we do not work on the gift of patience, we behave impulsively and thoughtlessly, creating or exacerbating our problems and missing a multitude of opportunities. Actually, to cultivate your patience you need little, but, above all, they are keys that are at your fingertips. We will briefly comment on them …

1. Breathe

Breathing deeply is always a good resource, as it helps us to reflect. When we take a few seconds to breathe we are, in a way, offering a pause to our internal dialogue.

2. Find out why you are in such a hurry

Reflect on the reasons that are making you impatient. If you overdo it, rearrange your priorities. Thinking about it and even writing it down will help you calm down.

3. Identify what usually makes you impatient

It can be other people, stressful situations, or yourself. However, simply being aware of this will help reduce anxiety.

Woman meditating

4. Is your patience useful or justified?

Answering this question honestly will help you calm down. Look for the patterns and fearlessly consider letting go of what is not doing you well.

5. Take your time and expect the unexpected

You have to understand that we can make thousands of plans but things don’t always go the way we want them to. Accept that life turns and turns us hundreds of times until we finish where we want. Be realistic in your expectations and understand others.

6. Don’t be afraid to change and don’t forget to rehearse

Practice makes a master. Developing patience implies leaving behind bad habits that we have been living with for a long time. So, like any apprenticeship, cultivating the ability to wait requires temperance.

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