Finding Answers In Bad Times Is Therapeutic

Finding answers in bad times is therapeutic

Since we are little we establish an inseparable relationship with words. They help us to tell stories, to exchange opinions, to classify objects, to find answers or to give shape and content to our inner dialogue (that which seems to be represented in series and movies by a devil and an angel).

Surely we all remember a typical scene, in which a character has to decide between doing what he wants or what he thinks is correct. Then, angel and devil begin to exchange arguments. You know it’s not right, life is to do crazy things , I would say certain loved one if I saw, etc .

In our mind, apart from working with language in this way, we also do it to order stories. This is so, because reality often comes to us in the form of clues, as if we were detectives and we are the ones who have to complete the puzzle.

woman with red rose in her mouth

Ana’s story

It’s seven o’clock and the alarm goes off, like every morning. He stops it, turns around, and waits for the alarm set in five minutes. It is the alarm to go in a hurry. But which is better: a leisurely breakfast or five more minutes of rest?

He thinks of everything he has to do that day and covers his head with the pillow. Mentally looking for the next quiet time and can not find it at lunchtime. The five minutes have passed and he gets up like a spring. He turns on the autopilot and begins chaining one routine task after another.

He wakes up already in the subway, when a terrible explosion makes him fly through the air. It’s just three seconds and you will go back to sleep. For three days, this time she will be awakened by the noise of a machine that beeps steadily, reflecting that her heart is still beating.

After that moment, Ana will never be the same again. You will hardly sleep and your attention will always be active. You have learned that any inconsequential moment can become momentous in less than the blink of an eye. It is as if life, which we love, also saved its disastrous magic tricks.

flying books representing creativity

Ana doesn’t understand her story

Why on the subway you take every morning? Why didn’t he get up earlier that day? Why didn’t she die, like some of her wagon mates? These are questions that assail you and for which you need an answer.

They are gaps in its history that make a safe world suddenly become a place full of potential threats in disguise, hidden behind the most innocent gestures. The world is no longer a controllable and predictable place. What’s the point of everything if it can disappear in an instant?

Ana needs to heal

A security that will not come if you do not answer all the questions that assail you, if you are not able to complete the story of that morning. You need to do it to know that the culprits won’t have a chance to do it again and neither will others.

It is curious, but many times superstitions in this sense are invaluable. Let’s imagine that Ana remembers that that day she got up with her left foot from the bed, she is not superstitious but a relationship is established in her mind.

An association that is a lie and that lacks any logic but that for her is fantastic. Ana understands that if she gets up on her right foot, it won’t happen again. In this way, he has turned an uncontrollable event into controllable and that calms him down. You’ve found a cause you can act on and – as long as it doesn’t disrupt your life – this is just fantastic.


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