Everyday Phrases With Which You Sabotage Yourself

Many times there is no worse enemy than ourselves. Did you know that you may be using language that leads you to sabotage your chances of being happy?
Everyday phrases with which you sabotage yourself

Our thoughts define our reality, since everything we think is formulated in words. Thus , the language we use has an enormous impact on our lives, even if we are often not aware of it. However, if you pay attention you will discover that there are several everyday phrases with which you sabotage yourself every day.

Often we speak without thinking, using set phrases out of inertia or hiding ourselves in a jocular tone to downplay the harsh statements that we make every day. But you must know that, contrary to what that popular saying affirms, words are not carried away by the wind. These remain, take root in our mind and shape what we live.

When you start to make conscious use of your vocabulary, the changes are quickly palpable. You yourself make and nurture your deepest beliefs about the world.

Woman thinking about her whims

Some everyday phrases with which you sabotage yourself

Sabotaging yourself implies preventing yourself from achieving goals, tripping yourself from achieving the success or fulfillment we want to experience.

Surely in many moments you have felt that you deserve something better: a more enriching job, healthier relationships, a more pleasant emotional state. However, despite your efforts, this better quality of life seems out of reach. If so, pay attention to your internal and external language, as you are probably sabotaging yourself.

Life is hard

In our society we have a great tendency to affirm that life is hard and that we are in a valley of tears. We repeat like a mantra that money does not grow on trees, that to achieve something you have to suffer. We have normalized sacrifice to the point of not feeling worthy of the positive things.

Thus we distrust the good intentions of others, we justify the compliments we receive instead of accepting them, and we tend to minimize our achievements and opportunities. If someone asks us how we are doing, we immediately suspect that they want something from us. If they tell us that we are wearing a very nice sweater, we downplay it by claiming that it is too old.

When a great opportunity appears before us, we doubt and feel insecure, because we have internalized that life is hard and hostile. Change your language and you will change your beliefs. Start affirming that you have a comfortable life, that you deserve to be happy. Learn to receive and accept all that is good and feel grateful.

It could be worse

There is no greater act of self-sabotage than conformity. You want a healthy relationship, but when your partner hurts you or disrespects you, you console yourself by thinking that it could be worse, that at least they are not unfaithful to you. When in your work they look down on you or do not value your effort either financially or personally, you think that it would be worse not to have a job.

Of course this would all be worse, but it could also be better. Do not compare your experiences with other more unfortunate and unfortunate, compare them with what you really want.

You deserve to be appreciated, valued, and treated appropriately in all areas of your life. Don’t sabotage yourself by staying in harmful situations; Assume that you deserve better and work for it.

Woman with partner worries

I am so

Perhaps there are certain traits of your personality that have been limiting you and taking you away from your goals for as long as you can remember. You would like to have more friends, but you are too shy; you would like to set limits to the people around you, but you are too insecure. You may want to stop arguing with your partner, but you are too impulsive.

To label yourself based on your actions, it is always the right time to change, improve or polish who we are. All possibilities are open to you. It does not matter what you were until today or what you still consider yourself to be, only what you want to be is relevant, because that is where you should focus your efforts.

Put an end to the everyday phrases with which you sabotage yourself. If you are able to understand and assume your share of responsibility for what happens in your life, you will soon begin to perceive changes.

Therefore, we invite you, from now on, to pay attention to your language, to those phrases that you repeat without thinking. What reality are they talking about? Do they match what you want to experience? If not, change them. Make a conscious effort to replace them with more functional ones.

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