Emotionally Intense And Sensitive People: Character And Relationships

If you are an emotionally intense and sensitive person at the same time, you will perceive that you move faster than most. You want to feel, experience, discover, embrace all the possibilities that life can give you. However, not everyone can understand you.
Emotionally intense and sensitive people: character and relationships

Passion, fierce curiosity, empathy, great imagination, desire to experiment, to vibrate to the beat of life, to dance with it and discover what else it can offer you … If you belong to the group of emotionally intense and sensitive people, it is very possible that your relationships social are somewhat complicated and that not everyone can understand your character.

We have all heard of the highly sensitive personality. However, there is another type of character linked in some respects to the latter, which stands out with a very revealing behavioral and emotional pattern. They are people hungry for learning, in tune with themselves and willing to reveal their full creative and human potential.

They are dynamic, active and passionate, however, they have a reverse, the same that many classical artists and writers show: an irremediable tendency to existential crises and anguish. At the end of the day, those who yearn to feel it all collide with a world that is almost always set, rigid and full of conventions.

Sad woman

How are people emotionally intense and sensitive?

It is often said that emotionally intense and sensitive people have somewhat ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, they conjugate the same virtue as the highly sensitive personality, that is, they feel a wide spectrum of emotions in a more vivid and profound way than most.

This implies that they not only experience joy, connection and love with overwhelming intensity. They also live their fears, anxieties and anguish in a desperate way.

For those who have not yet heard of this type of profile characterized by emotional intensity, it must be said that psychology has been deepening it for years.

Studies, such as those carried out at Vanderbitt University in Tennessee and the

What is it to be “emotionally intense and sensitive”?

On average, this personality typology is defined by five very specific variables:

  • They present a deep emotionality and passion. That is, the entire spectrum of emotions, both positive and negative valence, are experienced with a high intensity. The problem is that they do not always handle them properly, hence those experiential peaks, often going from the most intense of happiness to the deepest dejection.
  • They are very sensitive and empathetic people. At this point they share the same factor as the high sensitivity described by Dr. Elaine N. Aron. In fact, this researcher has a study that explains the reason for this: the high sensitivity shows a stronger activation in the brain regions related to awareness, empathy and interpersonal connection.
  • They are very perceptive. They go beyond the apparent to capture the detail, the particularity and those nuances that others do not see.
  • They have a very rich inner world. They are very imaginative and creative people.
  • They tend to show constant existential crises. This is explained by the frustration of not being able to do what they want and also by the feeling of feeling alone and misunderstood in a world that does not vibrate at the same level.
Man playing a guitar at a friends meal representing emotionally intense and sensitive People

Relationships when you are an intense and very sensitive person

Extraversion, openness to experience, neuroticism, passion for experimenting, for connecting with others, anguish for not being understood, for not being able to satisfy those cravings to know, feel, live … Emotionally intense and sensitive people come into this world with a pair of wings on their backs, but society often puts heavy shackles on their feet.

This makes their relationships always have an extra complication point, tending to misunderstanding and even disappointment. However, the striking thing is that connecting with this personality profile always marks. Although they are, yes, in another higher sphere, both emotionally and intellectually.

This is how emotionally intense and sensitive people relate

The first characteristic that defines them is their boredom threshold. They lose interest in things as soon as they understand them and it no longer generates any kind of stimulus.

What implication does that have at the relational level? It means that they are very dynamic people, who need to do many things at the same time to achieve great emotional, social, intellectual stimulation. ..

  • Not everyone can keep up with her or is in tune with her lofty passion. This can be problematic on an emotional level if they do not have a partner with the same interests.
  • They are profiles, in general, that combine emotional depth with high intelligence and this, as we say, can make them never finish finding the most suitable love for them.
  • If there is something that motivates them, it is trying to find the meaning of life. For this they will explore all kinds of areas, physical, psychological, artistic, spiritual … This is something that not everyone can understand.
  • Despite their dynamism and extroversion, they are people who always end up prioritizing others before themselves. However, they do not always find the same correspondence.
  • They are profiles very sensitive to criticism, disappointment, lies … It is common for them to drag broken relationships, both emotional and friendship, and this marks them. It also makes them more prone to depression.

To conclude, emotionally intense and sensitive people are like those passionate, bright and innocent souls, who are always looking for depth in a world that is too shallow. Hence its existential crises, hence the constant need to overcome and continue with that search journey …

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