Don’t Spend All Day Locked Up At Home

Today’s world easily induces you to spend the whole day locked up at home, since there are many things that can be managed from a mobile phone or a computer. If this becomes a habit, we easily fall into an unhealthy lifestyle.
Don't spend all day locked up at home

It is not good that you spend all day locked at home, especially if this ends up becoming a habit. The key to everything in life is in balance; For this reason, no excessive behavior is good, since it breaks the balance that is required for us to be well.

The fact that you spend all day locked at home, by itself, does not mean that you have any disorder, problem or deficiency.

In the contemporary world it  is possible to stay in one place and carry out countless activities from there. The problem is that, without realizing it, you end up creating a lifestyle that is not healthy.

Sometimes, this behavior of not going anywhere is due to a difficulty or is the expression of a problematic state. Spending the whole day indoors, for a long time, is eventually a sign that you are depressed,  or have anxiety, or both.

Woman with tablet on sofa

All day locked at home

The usual thing is that everything begins as something casual. You do not want to take off your pajamas or you entertain yourself with your mobile and time is running out, or it is simply raining or very hot and then you decide to stay indoors all day. So far, everything is perfectly normal because sometimes we just want to rest from everything external.

The difficulty appears when this becomes a repetitive event. The first thing that is affected is your schedule of activities. The most usual thing is that you start to get up later and also go to bed at dawn. This, in turn, alters your eating schedules and little by little changes a large part of your habits.

If you don’t go out, you will most likely end up having only virtual ties  to the world. This may even be comfortable for you, as not exposing yourself to the outside relieves you of some pressure and apparently gives you more control over various situations. Things are done your way. The problem is that you are in a bubble and this has consequences.

Health Care

One of the most worrying aspects is that your health can be affected when you usually spend all day locked at home. The first consequence of not exposing yourself to the sun is that your body will not be able to produce vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining good bone health.

Additionally, being illuminated by artificial light most of the time also has consequences on your circadian rhythm.

This rhythm allows you to synchronize the time of wakefulness and rest, with the moments of light and darkness. Constant exposure to artificial light is a factor that can affect these cycles and affect your rest. The most common is that episodes of pre-sleeping or inter-sleeping insomnia arise.

Not going out means not sunbathing and not fresh air. Experts point out that this increases the risk of suffering from depression, anxiety or developing obesity.

Likewise, it deteriorates your social life and makes you more prone to falling into states of mental fatigue. As you can see, spending the whole day indoors is not exactly healthy.

Sad woman in bed

A healthy lifestyle

Leaving the house is healthy, especially when you do it for a walk. Much better if such a walk takes you to a place where there is nature.

A study by the University of Glasgow, in Scotland, found that those who have this habit have fewer health problems than those who spend a lot of time locked up.

Contact with nature has proven to be a mood-enhancing, calming and revitalizing factor. In addition to this, going out leads you to observe a different scenario than the one you have at home and this has a positive impact on the mind and emotions. Excessive routines and always seeing the same places deprive you of new stimuli and that impoverishes your brain.

In addition, leaving your home is how you come into direct contact with other people, at different levels. Just seeing other people enriches your social world. Much more if you establish a conversation or share a moment with them. Leaving your little world to find the world of others is something that helps you grow.

What connoisseurs recommend is to take at least a 45-minute walk daily. It is best to do it during the day to take advantage of the sun. It is a small measure that not only positively affects your health, but also changes your routine and improves your mood.

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