Don’t Search, Let Them Find You

Don't look, let them find you

Life is too short to run after someone who doesn’t even walk for you. It is not necessary to go behind when they already know where you are, when they know your home and know your mysteries. Therefore, do not search, allow them to find you.

The truth is that there are people who do not care about us but, nevertheless, we do care. In these cases it can be difficult for us to understand the situation, since caring for others does not speak the language of selfishness. But don’t look for something they don’t offer you, don’t beg for it either.

The affection is not begged

Do not search. Dragging ourselves and begging for crumbs of affection that they do not want to give us is not healthy in the short or long term. However, certain signs may touch us and help us to find reasons to remain anchored in the desire for that person to remain in our lives.

If we stop to think, the only thing we do with that attitude is unnecessarily prolong the emotional suffering. Submitting to the will of others makes us become puppets of their needs and desires.

Puppet of a girl

Don’t look, let the wind blow away the unnecessary in your life

It is difficult to let go or let go of what we consider to be very ours , whether they are feelings or people. In other words, certain stones that we carry on our back are joined by a feeling of identity and belonging that merges with our fear of losing something that we believe is so intense and important.

However, despite the fact that all that emotional chaos ties us to certain people, we also end up getting tired of not being valued. When we realize this, we are likely to feel a bit selfish, which is terrible for our emotional health.

In other words, we feel that if we stop sacrificing we lose the opportunity to build part of the emotional story of our life. However, what we are really doing is behaving in the cruellest possible way with ourselves, with our expectations and with our desires.

Heart drawn on a window pane

Letting go is the only way to leave room for our strengths, to accept our mistakes and to be able to manifest our intentions and our commitment. In this way we avoid that the negative takes space from the positive, managing to increase our enthusiasm for life and our well-being.

It is not the strongest who supports the most, but who is more capable of “letting go”

If it doesn’t bring joy to your life … RELEASE

If it does not illuminate or build you … RELEASE

If it remains, but does not grow … RELEASE

If it gives you security and thus avoids the effort of developing yourself … RELEASE

If you don’t recognize your talents… RELEASE

If he does not caress your being … RELEASE

If it doesn’t boost your takeoff … RELEASE

If it says, but does not … RELEASE

If there is no place in his life for you … RELEASE

If he tries to change you … RELEASE

If the ‘I’ prevails … RELEASE

If there are more disagreements than encounters … RELEASE

If it just doesn’t add to your life … RELEASE

Do not look for or go after what they do not want to give you, let go … But be open to the possibility that those who do want to be part of your life in a healthy way will find you. Do not search, let them find you …

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