Do You Know What The Optimist’s Illusion Is?

Do you know what the optimist's illusion is?


Countless scientific studies and their results confirm the dominance of intuition in the human mind, above reason. What does this mean? It means that our brain tries to make us believe in a reality in which we are “supposedly” the controllers of our actions. However, this is far from true.

The English scientist Tali Sharot  affirms that there are  three illusions that “make” us perceive and see the world as very positive, easy and rosy.


What is the illusion of superiority?


Sharot  conducted a survey in which he asked the personal perception of various subjects regarding their driving skills. It turns out that 93% of those surveyed believed they were above the average, believing themselves to be “very good drivers. This percentage obtained is impossible since not all of us can be higher than the average within the same field.

This fact Sharot calls this illusion of superiority. But we could also take the choices we make every day as an example of the above. If they ask us what are the causes or ” why ” to how we choose to dress, live or any act that depends directly on us, surely we will respond with many logical reasons for ourselves or, what is the same, excuses to feel that what We chose was the best option and justify ourselves positively.


And the introspective illusion?


We tend to think that our motives are supported by ourselves and justified. Sharot calls this fact the introspective illusion.

With regard to the bad moments and ups and downs of life, we tend to overestimate the positive experiences that will happen to us in the future and we do not take awareness or importance of the negative that may occur, underestimating it.


Discovering the optimistic bias


We tend to think that no problem will happen to us or that we are invulnerable in any part of our life. The future will be much better than the present. With this we are not affirming that everything that has to happen is bad, not at all. But it is true that due to this optimistic bias we can move forward, continue without stopping and even not reflect on the possible not-so-positive consequences that may occur and which are precisely the ones from which we can learn the most.

The positive part of these results, which there is, is that we can be aware of this optimistic vision of life since it is similar as with optical illusions, that even if we understand them they do not disappear.

It is true that life, what you are now, we have one. Optimism is vital to enjoy countless precious moments, experiences and most importantly, it allows us to share the love and enthusiasm for life, now.


But what is optimism?


The optimism allows us to trust our abilities and possibilities, dealing with perseverance and very positive mood for any difficulty that comes our way in the state . It helps us to discover the good in the people around us and to accept all kinds of favors that they offer us from the heart.

Being optimistic allows us to find solutions, advantages and possibilities in the face of the inconveniences that have arisen . The difference from its opposite value, pessimism, is that pessimism insists us on appreciating all things, getting our attitudes to change.

The optimist reinforces and nurtures his perseverance, stopping to think of all the possibilities and taking the one he considers pertinent for that occasion . This prevents you from being deceived by a false reality that ensures an easier and more pleasant life.

For this reason, and so that you stay with a good taste in your mouth, I leave you these phrases about optimism and enthusiasm for each day:

-Life has its dark side and its bright side; It is up to us to choose the one we like the most.

-The optimist believes in others and the pessimist only believes in himself.

-Do not anticipate tribulations or fear what surely cannot happen to you. Always live in an environment of optimism.

-Keep your face towards the sunlight and you will not see the shadow.

-Make your head work for you and little by little you will acquire the habit of not bothering yourself when things go wrong.

-Selective memory to remember the good, logical prudence so as not to ruin the present, and challenging optimism to face the future.

-Optimism is the faith that leads to success. Nothing can be done without hope and trust.


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