Do You Know The Advantages Of Being A Playful Person?

Do you know the advantages of being a playful person?

The traditional image of the responsible adult responds to a serious, hard-working person, who focuses on being focused on his task to perform it effectively, resisting frivolity. However, being a playful person is not incompatible with the rest of the attitudes that we have listed.

In fact, the playful personality is a trait that has great advantages, both in personal and professional life.  Otherwise, why is playfulness being given so much importance in companies with large organization charts?

Playful, teasing, mischievous, joking, or light-hearted people may still be considered inappropriate in certain settings. However,  the playful personality is of great help in handling difficult situations in all areas of life, even though they run the risk of not being taken seriously by others when they pretend to be.

In any case, did you know that playfulness is one of the most attractive personality traits?  And is being or being attractive the basis for attracting people, in all areas?

Woman with colorful balloons in the field

The advantage of being a playful person

For a long time research on play focused on its role in children. But in recent years, psychologists and researchers have opened a new field of study in which they try to assess the importance and impact of the playful personality in the lives of adults.

However, unlike the research on ludicity in children, the truth is that the amount of research that has been carried out in this regard is still not many if we compare it with that that has studied play in children. Furthermore, in many cases an attempt has been made to study adult play with child play models, which has led to the loss of many aspects related to this personality trait in adults.

A team of psychologists from the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, who investigated this personality trait in adults found that ludicity has an overlap, but no redundancy, with the five personality traits frequently used to describe the personality : extroversion, kindness, conscientiousness, openness to experience and emotional stability.

Woman with a pencil under her nose as an example of a playful person

According to the scientists who conducted the study, being playful is an independent personality trait that shares certain aspects with these five global dimensions, but cannot be interchanged. The study also shows that a playful person is also seen by others as such and that they act that way in many day-to-day situations.

Being playful is very attractive

The playful person enjoys jokes, word games and improvisation, taking challenges in a lighthearted way. In addition, she participates in more heterogeneous situations and is good at encouraging or raising circumstances in which others enjoy.

These are, without a doubt, characteristics that many people find attractive and, therefore, they are characteristics by which they look at others. In fact, people with playful personalities seem to send a slightly different type of positive signal for men and women, according to the researchers who conducted the study cited above.

However, the message is not received anyway.  For women, the game transmits the signal that a man is not aggressive, while men receive the signal that a woman has vitality. In addition, according to the study, women seem more interested in a sense of humor and men in an “exciting personality.”

couple embracing laughing

For this reason, researchers believe that playfulness can be an important element when looking for a partner. They say that although we must be cautious when interpreting the data, this could be an indicator that playful people are actually perceived as more attractive partners or that the game is developing more and more in the relationship.

In addition, they affirm that a good management of play can increase the well-being of the couple. It seems that people perceive the playful personality as beneficial for romantic relationships. We consider it a source of the well-being of both, an ingredient that maintains the excitement of relationships, reinforcing trust and making intimate moments more pleasant.

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