Discover Your Aspirations By Identifying What You Don’t Like

Discover your aspirations by identifying what you don't like

The celebrated entrepreneur and founder of successful websites, Ashley Qualls, says that “anything is possible, as long as you really believe in it.” However, you may find yourself among that large group of people who have not yet located their aspirations and do not have something to believe in to pour all their passion into it.

Perhaps you find yourself in that quite common situation in which you cannot locate what you are really passionate about and where to pour all your capacity and effort. Whether it is your case or not, have you ever thought about how it could affect you to discard everything you do not like to reach your true aspirations?

Finding your aspirations through deductive reasoning

When it comes to finding your true aspirations, if you are not one of those people who have been clear about them since childhood, you may find that vital activity that is capable of fulfilling you through deductive reasoning.

In this sense, it is not about becoming modern Sherlock Holmes capable of unraveling the very murders of Jack the Ripper. It is about using a type of reasoning, for this purpose, that we actually use every day for other purposes.

However, to use deductive reasoning associated with the pursuit of personal aspirations, it is important to be clear about what we do not want. To do this, it is necessary to take into account a simple and at the same time complex question, what do I not want?

deductive reasoning

What is deductive reasoning?

Deductive reasoning is based on the ability to reach and draw a specific conclusion based on a generality. That is, to go from the largest to the smallest, accumulating and discarding data until reaching the crux of the issue analyzed.

Since deductive reasoning must be based on previous premises already used, we must use arguments such as the syllogism to make use of a modality that is actually much simpler than it may seem.

A good example of deductive reasoning would be the following: since all men are mortal and my neighbor is a man, it is evident that my neighbor is mortal. That is, a logical consequence has been reached based on a series of previous statements.

How to get to your real aspirations starting from the general

Now, it is time to find your own aspirations starting from the general. That is, we are going to use deductive reasoning to achieve our true goals by discarding everything that does not seem attractive to us:

  • To do this, think of the world as a gigantic board full of possibilities. Around us, thousands and thousands of opportunities crowd.
  • Now, look at your real needs. Perform an introspection exercise capable of exposing what you really hope for and what your true goals are, the most intimate ones.
  • Next, go back to the possibilities board that we left in the first totally open point and begin to discard all those options that have nothing to do with how much you have discovered about your true goals.
  • Finally, once you have discarded everything that does not conform to your true talents and needs, a series of very reduced possibilities will remain on the board that will be the only ones that actually adapt to your search for satisfaction.

As you can see, we have done a simple deductive reasoning. We have started a generality, which are the many opportunities that are offered to us around us, discarding how many you were not attractive until reaching a concrete conclusion, those possibilities that can be adapted to talents and personal searches according to your profile.

How to reach your aspirations

The importance of having clear aspirations

Aspirations are very necessary for every human being. They are a source of personal development and promote happiness in the individual, since they are capable of feeling fulfilled doing what they have talent for and it fulfills them.

An unsatisfactory job, a stressful or unhappy personal or family life, as well as an unsuitable friendship or partner relationship constantly undermine our attitude, aptitude and optimal personal development, which makes our world a sad and depressing place, thus negatively influencing, both on a psychological and physical level.

That is why it is important to be clear about your goals and aspirations and to fight for them. Whether you belong to that small group that knows it since childhood or to the most nurtured of those who do not know very well the direction to take, take all the tools at your fingertips and choose your course to feel much fuller and happier.

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