“Deactivate ” The Ego To Love Fully And Without Attachments

"Deactivate" the ego to love fully and without attachments

The ego usually has a very limited vision of reality, and only accepts its point of view, its way of understanding the world, and even love. Few dimensions can be more harmful and destructive than selfishness in any of its areas, whether at the level of friendship, at work or within a couple.

The ego likes things to be as one wishes, that the world is ordered millimeter according to its perspectives, to its personal conception of what is right and what is wrong. He does not like the unexpected, nor the spontaneous, the reactions that are beyond his control and that express his own will.

What hides the mask of the ego

It is very common that we start relationships with people who show admirable virtues at first. Almost glowing. Aspects such as personal security, poise, firm self-confidence and even that inclination to protect, can “dazzle us” at first.

However, over time to this initial security is added the need for control and the obsession that things must adjust to their own schemes. In other words, what we initially confused with “security” is actually a very clear fear that “we escape their control”, as we reveal their vulnerabilities.

Deactivate the ego to love fully and without attachments

Actually, it is not easy at all to deactivate the ego of the person we love. Once we discover this dimension, that is, once we realize that his virtues are actually double-edged weapons, and that he uses his ego to create expectations in you and submit you, be clear that the only thing he wants is to fill his own voids through domination, through an unhealthy attachment to cover their immaturity.

The ego usually has many masks, and we are sure you already know some:

  • Use victimization
  • Seek to be recognized in everything they do, say and express, without ever taking others into account
  • Put burdens on you to unload “his ego”
  • Always look to blame for any problem or situation that he or she generates
  • It does not admit spontaneity, new things, getting out of the routine and even less, that you enjoy your own hobbies. of your spaces … They put walls to your personal growth

Learn to deactivate the ego

We need to understand that the ego is a way of completely “disconnecting” from the axes that move conscious love, mature love that offers itself freely and fully to the other to form a couple, to have a common project while always respecting the personal growth of each.

Toon Herltz

We need to start ar

We cannot forget that many of us, in some way, are a bit selfish in emotional matters. However, each thing has its right balance, but if we let ourselves be carried away by the ego in all its intensity, we will never see the reality of things, but rather our own needs and the negative feelings that this generates. You have to consider this.

Image Courtesy: Benjamin Lacombe, Toon Herlz

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