Curiosities Of Social Networks

The curiosities of social networks tell us about a world that has learned to communicate on a planetary level from the virtual. These spaces have become part of the daily life of millions of people in the world.
Curiosities of social networks

There are several curiosities of social networks that many people do not know. For example, there are currently around 4 140 million active users on them. They are expected to increase over time, since these virtual spaces have become a particular showcase and source of information for a large part of the planet’s population. However, another curiosity of social networks is the fact that around half of the population does not have an account on them.

Although many think that the history of these spaces began in the 21st century, the truth is that the first social network appeared in 1997. It was created by SixDgrees and offered individual profile creation and creation of friend lists. However, it was not very successful. Let’s see other curiosities of social networks.

Person using Facebook

Curiosities of social networks: Facebook

Facebook is the social network with the most users in the world. The reason that everything there is blue is not well known: Mark Zuckerberg, its founder, is color blind. Confuse green and red. Blue is the color that best dominates and that is why it is the official tone of this network.

Several of the curiosities of social networks have to do with Facebook. Let’s see some:

  • Today, Facebook has more than 2.74 billion users on the Internet.
  • If this social network were a country, it would be the third most populous on the planet after China and India.
  • Around 500 new accounts are created every minute on this social network.
  • There is no possibility of blocking or denouncing Mark Zuckerberg: the law is for all but one.
  • About 30 million Facebook accounts belong to people who have passed away.
  • Around 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day. It is considered the largest image bank on the planet.
  • Most of Facebook users are in Asia and Africa.

During the so-called “Arab Spring”, Facebook played a crucial role in local struggles. In homage to this, an Egyptian protester baptized his daughter with this name: “Facebook Jamal Ibrahim”.

Other curious facts: Twitter

Another of the curiosities of social networks is that although Twitter is not among the ones with the most users, it is one of the ones that generates the greatest impact. It is much faster than Facebook and many of the political events have their space for debate there. In fact, this social network has created political events of its own.

An example of this is the temporary closure of Donald Trump’s account after the disorders in the Capitol  during 2020. Likewise, a trill by Álvaro Uribe Vélez was removed from this network by massive user request. Let’s see other striking data:

  • Twitter is a preferred platform for men: 68% of users are male.
  • In both men and women, the age segment that most uses this social network is between 35 and 49 years old.
  • The account with the most followers is that of the former president of the United States, Barack Obama. It has 130 million fans.
  • Some think that Twitter is more addictive than alcohol and work. There is still no agreement on whether this is a disorder or a bad habit.

One of the most interesting Twitter accounts is @RealTimeWWII. In it, day by day, he tells the story of World War II as if it happened in real time. Great for history buffs.

Twitter bird cloud

Other curiosities of social networks

In this selection of curiosities from social networks, data on YouTube could not be missing, the second with the most followers in the world. It has more than 2 billion users. It is estimated that 90% of Internet users subscribe to this network.

YouTube is perhaps the most age-diverse social network. 84% of children between 11 and 15 years old use it; in turn, 51% of people over 75 years of age are users. It is estimated that about 30,000 hours of video are created daily, for every hour of real time.

Currently, users access all social networks, mostly through mobile phones. Those spaces are here to stay and, for sure, they will continue to give surprises and create new habits in the coming years.

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